Sunday, November 15, 2009

Sunday Citar

"If you take a flower in your hand and really look at it, it's your world for a moment." -Georgia O'Keeffe

"I perhaps owe having become a painter to flowers." -Claude Monet

While making some other items this weekend I made these 2 flowers. We are getting our Christmas pictures taken next Saturday and I need a pretty clip for Lily's hair. I think I am going to add the rose to a hair clip for her hair.

I have a favor to ask of my blog readers. I entered my swirly santa ornament in the Michaels Handmade Holiday Contest. I would LOVE to win. (who wouldn't?) Would you please go here and give me 5 snowmen. No need to register...just click through and click 5 snowman (under the picture of my santa click on the last snowman). Thanks a bunch!!

Please note: You can vote once a day.

Thank you for stopping by Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

My Signature

19 Sweet Comments:

septembermom said...

So pretty and cute! I will run over and vote for you:) Hope you win!

Love the quotes too.

MadeInCanarias said...

Love the white flower. Voted too :)

koreen (aka: winn) said...

You are so talented! Both flowers are very pretty. =)

Ann On and On... said...

I am so impressed, you are very talented. I think I voted... but I'm not sure if it worked.

Christine said...

Your Whismical Creations are ADORABLE. What a talent you have. Thanks for stopping by my neck of the woods.:o)

Liz Mays said...

Holy cow, those are adorable! I also voted again and you're doing really well!

Unknown said...

The flowers are lovely! I can't wait to see the pictures with it in Lily's hair!
Voted again of course!
Happy Sunday!

Peach said...

lovely quotes...aww the beauty of the wild...

Jess said...

I love it! So so pretty! Thanks for stopping by!

JM said...

I love those flowers you made! So talented!!

The quotes are beautiful. There is something so special about flowers...



Becca said...

Great quotes, I love the Monet one :)

♥ Boomer ♥ said...

Delightful Sunday Citar! Love these! And you are so very creative!!! I hope that you have a wonderful week. Mine will be hectic at work, and then we're hitting the road for 10 days. So I'm racing, literally, trying to get things done. But had to come by and visit. ♥

Tabitha Blue said...

Those flowers are definitely gorgeous, and Christmas photo worthy! Great work!!


Mon Cheri said...

Nice job on the sweet flowers. That must take some time! Hve a great week.

Muthering Heights said...

They will look SO PRETTY in her hair!!

Do we get to see them on her? :)

P.S. I have no idea what is up with UPrinting...I sent them your email address, so they should have sent you an email with directions!!

deluxe microdermabrasion said...

If you put them in a big enough pot, you can water most flowers about once a week. The larger the pot, the more soil and the more water it will hold. So, it doesn't need watering as often.

Anonymous said...

Those flowers are sweet, you make the cutest lil' clay things ;-)

Jamie :)

Beedeebabee said...

I can't wait to see that rose in your adorable Lily's hair! Both flowers are so pretty! ;)

Kimberly said...

I love the simplicity of the white flower. You're so good at what you do. :)

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