Saturday, July 19, 2008

About Me


My name is Melanie and I live in Buffalo, NY. I have lived in Western New York all of my life.  
(BTW...NO, it is really not as snowy here as everyone thinks.)

I am the artist behind Whimsical Creations. My family is really crafty and I have loved creating things since I can remember. I started making ornaments out of salt dough as a child with my mom. Over time I changed from Salt Dough to Polymer Clay.
I am married to a wonderful man and we have 2 beautiful (yes, I am bias) children together, a son and a daughter.  I have an addiction to all things Disney.

I also love to scrapbook, paint, make jewelry, enter giveaways and take photos...TONS of photos!! According to my husband I love a great photo-op.

My blog is about my life, family, my creations and my finds along the way.

Hope you enjoy my blog. Please come back and visit again.


4 Sweet Comments:

Sharon said... 1

Cool! I didn't know you were in Buffalo?! I'm in Cooperstown, four hours east. Glad to know there are some more bloggers in the great Upstate!

Linda said... 2

Very Cool!!! I own a home in Saratoga Springs... and lived in Oneonta for awhile... my son was born husband used to be part of the Cooperstown Craft Co-op ...small world!

Love your blog...and will be back

I'm popping in from the UBP... hope you will stop in at my blog... Cooking Tip of the Day...

Christine said... 3

I'm in Buffalo to! Well a little north of there in Youngstown! I love your work!

gayla said... 4

I live way up in the NEK on the Canadian Border in Vermont! I love you sight, you have a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing with us! hugs,

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