Saturday, July 11, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

July 11, 1998
I became Mrs. Adey...
Our wedding was in the backyard of my husband's parents house.

I LOVE YOU, Mr. Adey!
Just a little background on my necklace. My grandmother wore this necklace when she married my mother's father (he passed away when my mom was 3). The original necklace was longer and she personally restrung it into a necklace and bracelet for me.


16 Sweet Comments:

Merry said... 1

Congratulations to both of you on this wonderful day. It happens to be my husband and my weddding anniversary also....although we were married one year earlier. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said... 2

Oh... Happy Anniversary! You both looked absolutely radiant; you've got the cutest smile!
The pearl necklace is beautiful. Maybe one day, years and years from now, Lily will be wearing that same necklace. Isn't that a wonderful thought?

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said... 3

Happy anniversary!

Debbie said... 4

You were a beautiful bride. Lovely photos and happy anniversary. Love the story about your necklace.

Krissy said... 5

Happy Anniversary!

Flor Larios Art said... 6

Congratulations! Lovely photos...good looking family!

Unknown said... 7

Happy Anniversary! Beautiful pictures, you were a beautiful bride!

__ said... 8

Happy Anniversary!

Pesky Cat Designs said... 9

Happy Anniversary! Wishing you all the best always!

Tiges and Weince said... 10

Congratulations & Happy Anniversary. Beautiful photos. There is nothing like looking back on your most amazing memories.

Giggleberry (Amy) said... 11

beautiful memories - Happy Anniversary!

The Rantings of a Drama Queen's Mum said... 12

Nice pics. Happy Anni.

2Shaye ♪♫ said... 13

What adorable pictures! And how neat about the necklace! I wore my mom's wedding dress that several of our matriarchs worked on sewing together. I just love family heirlooms!



Pretty Things said... 14

So sweet, and so happy, and just look at those smiles (and that dress!)

Each anniversary since I've blogged I do a wedding blog -- ours is October 28th!

Beedeebabee said... 15

Happy Anniversary! You were such a beautiful bride, and I love all your photos. Just Lovely! Thanks for sharing, and wishing you many more happy anniversaries! :o)

Kiy said... 16

I'm behind and playing catch-up (not a big surprise?) but wanted to stop and say Congratz!

It goes by so fast, doesn't it? June 4th was our 16th ... hard to imagine it's been that long. Seems like yesterday!



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