Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your comment below and link in Kailani’s blog. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
This weeks question is:
What time do your kids go to bed? & get up in the morning? (their age)
If you don't have kids, what time do you go to bed & get up?
My son (now age 8) has been an early riser from the time he was an infant. I always hated time changes because that would just mean he would just get up earlier. We have tried the "go to bed later" thing more than once hoping he would sleep later...mmm, didn't work. I just ended up with a cranky kid, which made me cranky. So my son goes to bed at 7:30pm on school nights because he gets up between 5:30-6:30am. Because my house is tiny, when one kid wakes up it usually wakes the other. My daughter (almost 3) goes to bed between 7-7:30. I went to a scrapbooking workshop last Sunday and sat with people I didn't know. They thought my kids bedtimes were crazy early and looked at me like I was nuts. All I have to say is it works for my family and I get some much needed quiet time with my husband in the evenings.

Please note: You can vote once a day.
Hope you have a fabulous Friday!
26 Sweet Comments:
I have to say I got really lucky with Emily. She (like her mother) likes her sleep. She usually goes to bed between 8:00 and 8:30 and if I let her wake up on her own it is most likely going to be around 7:30 or 8:00.
Our 16 year old is in bed no later than 11:00, but he doesn't have to get up until 7:30 or so.
During school, our 9 year old is in bed by 8:30, and up around 6:30ish. She is an early riser too. She could go to bed at midnight, and still wake up at 6:30. Doesn't mean you will want to be around the rest of the day, though. ;)
Our 15 month old is in bed no later than 8:30.
For the record, I don't think your times are crazy at all!
My kids are grown. Makes life a lot easier on me :)
They both go to bed about 9:30-10.
My 2 year old wakes up at 7:30 or so.
My 3 month old usually doesn't wake up unti 7-8 but SOMETIMES she'll wake up at about 4 for a feeding. If she does, then she doesn't wake up until 9 or later. It's 9:30 right now and she's still asleep.
My guys are older teens and go to bed when finished with homework. It ranges from 9pm-11:45pm. The one who goes to bed the earliest is the first to rise at 5:30am.
My oldest son he goes to bed by 10 and gets up at 5:30. My youngest son who is 8 goes to bed between 7 - 9. He gets up between 6 - 7. My daughter who is 18 months falls asleep between 6 - 8. She sleeps till about 5 or 6.
Your ornament is darling & yep, I went & voted.
My kids go to bed @ 9 on weeknights for the 12yr old & 8 - 8:30 for the 7 yr old. On weekends it kinda just depends. Both get up wicked early on weekends but luckily my room is @ the other end of the house & Hubby is an early riser too.
three of my kids (2,4 & 6) go to bed at 8 pm my oldest 11 goes to be at 9 and they all get up between 6:15-6:30
I think your bedtimes are all pretty standard. I'm almost embarrassed to answer this questions, but here goes.
Raya (19 months) and Bryce (4) both go to bed when DH and I do around 11:00. I get up at 7:00 and the kids get up around 10:00. I've taken a lot of heat (from family) over their unconventional bedtimes, but so far it's worked for us!
Mine go to bed around 9:00, sometimes later. They are 4, 6, 8. We are not morning people, we are definitely night people, and it works for us. They go to bed earlier, if we can manage it, on school nights, since they get up around 0700. Later on non-school nights.
he goes to bed around 7:30 ish...
and wakes up around 6:30
at almost 9 months old, we are still working on a sleep schedule! :(
My teen daughter who is 14 goes to bed no later than 10 I think, I am in bed by 8:30 on a week night, so I have to just assume. And she is up for school by 6:30. Now the weekend is a totally different story. All times are moved ahead by 3 hours.
My older boys 6 and 4 go to bed between 8-9 and get up between 7-8. 9 if I'm lucky on the weekends.
My 1 year old son goes to bed at varying times between 10-12 depending upon when he took a nap. He usually wakes between 8-9 if not before.
I try to go to sleep at about 11pm and I get up at all kinds of crazy. Sometimes 5 am but if so then back to sleep at about 8-10 or 11. Sometimes I just sleep from 11pm-11am. I'm the weirdest.
my son is five, and goes to bed between 7-7:30 and wakes around the same time. sometimes he gets up too early, like 5. i tell him to go play in his room and come back at 7. never works. aloha and take care.
Don't feel bad - it's good for them to get enough sleep. Mine (4 and 2) go to bed before 7 since the time change, usually between 7 and 7:30 though. My 4 year can't nap anymore - she won't settle down, and sometimes I put her down around 6 - and she sleeps until almost 7am so she obviously needs it.
I voted for your ornament!
My kids are 7, 4 and 2. My 2 year old goes to bed at 8 and the older two go to bed at 8:30. They all get up between 7:30 and 8 AM.
I voted. Good luck!
You have the sweetest little creations ever! Thanks for stopping by Bee Wise Bags and i.gourmet!
No kids...so no answer LOL :)
Our guys are grown and have families of their own. I go to bed at 110:30 and I get up around 7:30. Of course I would love to stay up half the night and then sleep til 10, but that doesn't really work out so good!
Thanks for stopping by. Cleaning is just a plain drag I think. One of those necessary things! blessings.
My 9 yr old goes to bed anywhere between 9-10 and gets up at 7:30. And my 13 yr. old goes to bed between 10-11 and get up at 6:30.
My almost 7 year old son is like that - except he usually sleeps until 7:30. It's rare if any of my three are still in bed at 9 AM.
We just recently put bed time up to in between 8 & 8:30.
My 3 yo still takes naps, my 5 yo occasionally takes naps, but if my 7yo takes a nap it takes him a long time to get to sleep at night.
My daughter who is almost 10 months old goes to bed between 6 and 7, depending on when she got up from her nap. I used to try to keep her up, but then would end up getting up more times in the night, and also earlier in the morning. Works for us! And I love having the time to myself, so I can too go to bed somewhat early, instead of feeling like I have to stay up late to have some me or us time!
We don't have a set time here, but it must be between 8pm and 10pm. So it depends on the day we had of if a nap was later than usual or if we went out that night to bible study etc etc etc.
I have a 2yr old and a 4yr old.
They wake up at different times in the mornings. Usually between 7:30 am and 9:30am
I voted snowmen for you. Good luck!
I clicked on the the 5th snowman - just because there was no 100th snowman. You deserve lots of snowmen for that!
I love your polymer creations!
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