Thursday, January 31, 2013

Rapunzel's Tower

Disney World is ever changing.  Especially with their new Fantasyland expansion.
When we at Magic Kingdom this summer, they had this construction wall up at the end of Fantasyland going toward Liberty Square.  I wondered what they were doing over there.  You couldn't see anything beyond the walls at that time.
Then about a month before we left chatter started on facebook about Rapunzel's tower.  I was soooo excited to see it when we went this time.  I guess it's on top of what is going to be a huge bathroom over in that corner of the park.
If this is the outside, I wonder what the inside is going to look like?
****Updated on 2-8-13 to add****
Apparently I was wrong.  It looks like it is going to be a meet and greet for Rapunzel.  Even more excited about it!!  You can read more about it here.
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2 Sweet Comments:

Masshole Mommy said... 1

Ahhhh! I can't wait to see it when we go back in October!

~ Noelle said... 2

i love disney :)
thanks for sharing, since i dont know when we will go again

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