Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Christmas Memories 2012

I am a bit behind on going though my Christmas photos.  Better late than never right. 
We have kept a couple traditions my parents did with my sister and I as a child.  Our kids are not allowed to go downstairs before we do.  Santa leaves their stockings on their beds and they can go through them, but they have to wait for us to get up and go downstairs first.  I also take a photo of the kids at the bottom of the stairs, just like the photo my father took of my sister & I every year.

This year they came down dancing...(bad photo, but it was funny)
 Then they stopped for me.  :)

 So then the whirlwind of opening gifts happened....
I swear it was a blur...

I put my camera down for most of the unwrapping and do not have a photo of Ian opening anything.  

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Thankfully no one was sick like last year.

My Signature

2 Sweet Comments:

Masshole Mommy said... 1

Great pictures. I love that big mess of wrapping paper :) Our house looked the same way!

Liz Mays said... 2

Look at all that paper! I have the same tradition with my kids, mostly because I like capturing their faces when they first see the tree.

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