The kids patiently waited for us to wake up...LOL...not sure how patient they really were. Then they tore through the wrapped gifts in nothing flat.
Sadly after Lily opened her presents, she asked Jeff to open one of the boxes up...played with it all of 2 minutes and curled up on Jeff's lap. Unfortunately Lily got sick Christmas eve (she had a fever all day, her voice sounds terrible, she threw up around dinner time &
She spent most of Christmas day with fever and a box of tissues close by. Poor little girl. Her nose is so sore.
We had to rethink our Christmas plans (we usually spend Christmas with our friends) and stayed home instead. We ordered Chinese, built legos, played ponies, watched tv, played video games and relaxed. I took the time to organize & order the prints for Ian & Lily's autograph books from our Disney trip and create a special scrapbook with pictures from our trip.
Last night Lily hardly slept at all. Her nose was & still is so stuffed and as soon as she would blow her nose it would fill right back up again. Poor kid looks terrible. Looks like she is going to spend her Christmas vacation recovering. Crossing fingers no one else gets it. :(

2 Sweet Comments:
At least she got to be a princess with a stuffed nose. Hope she's feeling better. LOVE the two fisted pump of joy for the star wars legos! I remember those day!
Your Christmas sounds amazing! I love the pictures and reading about your traditions. It was the same for me when I was growing up- stockings on the bed, and parents go down first. Just love it! I hope your New Year is spectacular, too!
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