This weeks question is:
Do you celebrate Valentine's Day? If so, what are your plans?
Today is typically the day my husband and myself do something small to celebrate Valentine's Day. You see, 14years ago today (Feb 11th) my husband asked me to marry him. So ever since then we have beaten the crowds and celebrated Valentine's on the 11th instead of the 14th. We usually just have a special lunch or dinner together. Tonight my husband works until 7pm and my family seems to be fighting a cold, so it will be takeout dinner around the coffee table for the 2 of us tonight. (Our kids go to bed early, Ian 8pm & Lily 7pm) Sounds perfect to me. :)
12 Sweet Comments:
Nothing special I think.
Have a great day!
No V-dy plans here. Dh isn't home and wont be.
If he was home, we'd probably go dinner with the kids.
Have a fabulous weekend!
No plans for Valentine's Day this year.
I'm not a big V-day fan, but I do enjoy going out to dinner, so that's probably what's going to happen here.
Well Happy Anniversary to you guys!!! A night in sound good to me too!
I am looking at that picture of you in your bride's dress (so cute) ... hmmmm. Come see what I want my readers to do!
Kinda, we go out to dinner and do a date night - this year we are doing dinner the day before and then the day of going to Ikea
Happy Anniversary!! Sounds like a perfect evening to me! ;) If only I could get ALL of my kiddos to bed BEFORE the mister...during the winter he is like a big ol bear and goes to hibernate around 7:30! HA! He HATES the cold!! I'm usually not far behind these days, so I shouldn't tease :P
No plans for Valentines, just spending as a family with some yummy CHOCOLATES!! Have a nice weekend, hope everyone feels better! xo
Valentine's Day was our first date! We are going out to dinner the two of us. I am so excited. It has been a long time. Have a wonderful weekend Melanie and Happy Valentine's Day!
We don't really do a lot. Just card to each other and a little something. It's just another day to make sure that people we love are remembered.
We'll do dinner Sunday night - either I'll cook or we'll order in. :)
Valentine's Day Plans?
We already did. We went last night to Arcada Theater to see Maceda Parker (a saxophone player that use to play with James Brown). We had a blast & the show was great. It was funky music!
we don't do anything special...
just being together is enough for us! :)
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