2. I am LOVING the new Baja Salad from Wendy's. The guacamole is sooo yummy! I only use one dressing packet (it's only 3 points), don't use the crunchy strips (they are like doritos so I give them to the kids) and save the chili for a different meal. If I am home, I put baked Tortilla chips on it. DELICIOUS!
3. As of last week I have lost 17.8 lbs. Slowly it is melting away. Only 38.7 lbs left to go. My husband has lost about 20 lbs. I have been eating tomato sandwiches on light bread with light Miracle Whip alot. YUM! One sandwich is only 2-3 Weight Watcher points depending on how much Miracle Whip you use.
4. I picked up my entries from the fair today along with my winnings. I am still doing the happy dance. I am definitely going to enter again next year.
5. I went to the beach last week and took photos for a friend and still have to process all of them. I have been super busy, see #1. Her kids were adorable and I had lots of fun. Here are a couple of my favorites.
6. I have finally finished all of my blog books. (Go here to see what I am talking about.) It was wild to look back at when I started blogging. I am all caught up and can not wait to get the rest of them in the mail. Now if I could be that caught up with the rest of my projects.
9 Sweet Comments:
C-u-t-e!!! I love the ballerinas and horses. You are so talented! :-)
love the pic of my girl. she looks so sweet and innocent! which is hardly the case! LOL
I love those bow centers!! So cute! I might have to get some ornaments for the Christmas tree! So sad to have to report this - but Miss Maddy ate her necklace...well not ate per se but bit off every single edge of the circle. I knew better than to let her out of my sight with it...so I might need to buy another one when she is a little older. :(
Congrats on the weight loss....how AWESOME for you two!! Must be feelin' good! :D The little horses are sooo great!! love them!
Well, you know I think EVERYthing you do is soooo great!! :D
Your custom creations are adorable!
I'm going to wendy's site right now to see about this Baja salad!
I love those little ballerinas. I missed the photos on Facebook.
Congrats on your weigh loss, that is really good!
And congrats on your blue ribbons. I have always loved that Santa. I remember when you posted a photo of it.
you are multi-talented!!! All looks great =)
Congrats on the weight loss, it sounds like you and Hubby are doing great!
Love your orders there, those horses are soooo cute!!
Those are so cute!
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