It is Aloha Friday! In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that people take it easy and look forward to the weekend.
This weeks question is:
Seeing today is Friday the 13th....
Are you superstitious?
I am not. I remember as a kid thinking that Friday the 13th was something significant. Not sure why. Probably because other kids made such a big deal about it.
On a completely different note:
I am trying to reach 500 fans on facebook. The top 3 people who refer the most friends will receive a $5, $10 or $15 gift certificate to my shop (including custom orders). Make sure you tell them to post who sent them. =)
And in case you are is a lucky elephant. ;) Hope you have a fantastic Friday!
20 Sweet Comments:
nope-not at all-but super cute elephant!!
For the most part, no, not at all. But sometimes I still worry there are monsters under the bed - does that count? lol
No, not me. Especially when it comes to the #13 since that was the day my son was born.
I try not to be superstitious.
Have a great Friday!
Well, I don't believe in lucky or unlucky things, numbers or days...not since I thought it through (I now believe that what seems like coincidence or "luck" is the work of God. People who don't believe in God might call THAT supersticious...but I don't think of it that way).
However, before I came to that understanding, the number 13 was actually my "lucky number." Your question made me think to put the story of why that was up on my blog...cuase it had to do with a Friday the 13th from my childhood.
Here's where I posted that if you want to read the whole story.
No I'm not supersticious.
Just became a fan on fb! I'm glad you mentioned you have a page. Just a couple of days ago I got with the program and created a facebook page for my blog as well. How do you like it? Happy Weekend :)
I'm not really too superstitious. I believe in good luck though...that's more fun :)
no, I am not at all. I do love your elephant :)
i do not mean to be...
but i think i am at times...
LOVE the cute elephant
Not superstitious. But need all the good luck I can get! So I will hang on to the elephant. Plus he's pretty cute!
I guess I'm not superstitious since I didn't even know today was Friday the 13th til the day was almost over.
I don't think I'm superstitious. I am aware of things like today being Friday the 13th, but I seem to be able to get my mind to ignore the superstitions by psyching it out.
To a pooint yes but I dont think Friday the 13th is unlucky at all :)
I'm really not superstitious at all (knock on wood). I just don't take any chances. lol
Oh by the way, I was also born on Friday the 13th. What does that tell ya? Have a great weekend.
no way, but I love that elephant:O)
I am very. It all happened the day I walked under a ladder. My mom told me it was bad luck and that day, was very unlucky for me. I will stop by and fan your page.
Thank goodness I did not realize today was Friday the 13th until about an hour ago. There was nothing unlucky about today...whew! Maybe because I did not realize.
Have a great weekend!
Hi Melanie! Great blog & question!
I'm not superstitious, but I do believe in Angels! :-)
Thanks for visting my blog. Following and will be back soon!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I've become a fan ... every one helps!
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