Friday, January 15, 2010

Aloha Friday #12

It is Aloha Friday! In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that people take it easy and look forward to the weekend.
Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your comment below and link in Kailani’s blog. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!

This weeks question is:
Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?  If so when do you typically do so?

I decorate for Valentine's Day.  I didn't really decorate before I had children.  Lily was really upset this year when I took down the Christmas decorations...I told her we had to put them away to make room for Valentine's Day decorations.  So before I got sick I pulled out the Valentine's Decorations (not that many) and we put them up one morning.  Seriously I only have a few heart garlands, a string of heart lights & some window clings.  So my grandmother came over a couple of days ago and said, "Isn't it a bit early for Valentine decorations?"  I responded with "When is it ok to start decorating for Valentine's Day?"  {Yes, I was cheeky with my grandmother.}

I also wanted to share that my bloggy friend Beki from the Rusted Chain is donating $10 from every Blessed necklace sold to Compassion International to assist those in desperate need in Haiti. (if there are none in stock, please check back. She restocking them as fast as possible.)  As of yesterday she has donated over $500!

Have a very BLESSED Friday!
My Signature

22 Sweet Comments:

Liz Mays said... 1

I don't decorate for Valentine's Day at all. I used to when the kids were little though.

MadeInCanarias said... 2

I don't decorate for Valentine's Day.

Charlotte (Life's a Charm!) said... 3

i only decorate for Christmas!

Country Mouse, City Mouse said... 4

I decorate for Valentines day and every other holiday as well. I have a couple of banners and plaques

Unknown said... 5

I didn't really decorate for anything before Em was born either. I think three to four weeks is good...I mean you want enough time to enjoy the decor right?

Jamie said... 6

My birthday is the 18th so I would always beg my parents to leave the Christmas decorations up until after my birthday was over. I think that when my kids are older we might decorate a little or bake some festive cookies!

I am Harriet said... 7

I don't. I'm not even sure where I'd find decorations.

Have a great Friday!

Crunchy Green Mom - Suzanne said... 8

I would like to!

I just got the "huge cupcake" thing, I plan on making a Valentines day cake for my family!

Auntie E said... 9

No I do not.
Here's my Aloha Friday link for you

Anonymous said... 10

I have a few small decorations my mom's gotten me over the years but that's about it.

Colette S said... 11

I don't decorate for valentines day.

Anonymous said... 12

What a darlin little fairy. Nope, I don't decorate for Valentines Day. Instead, I put all my creative efforts into making cards.

Certain Creatures said... 13

Thanks so much for coming by and taking part in my giveaway!
You have such cute creations in your etsy shop!

Susan Cook said... 14

No I don't decorate for Valentine's.

Unknown said... 15

I don't usually -- but I am on a crafting kick and saw some tied ribbon wreathes...a friend brought me some wire hangers so I am going to try it out!

Angela @ Nine More Months said... 16

I currently only decorate for Halloween, Fall and Christmas. I would like to start putting up a few small decorations for other holidays.

If you have time, come check out My Aloha Friday. Have a great weekend!

Becca said... 17

I have never really decorated for any holiday. But I did the Halloween swap at Mommy-Files and got some cool fall we are still decorated for fall here lol

Honey Mommy said... 18

I don't really decorate for valentine's day. Though we will probably make some valentines for my 3 year old's friends! How funny is that?

Debra @ A Frugal Friend said... 19

I do ......I have a few valentine decorations I collected over the years. Now I have a daughter, I might have to make a few craft projects to help decorate the house a bit more!! :-)

Anonymous said... 20

I do not decorate at all for Valentines Day. What a great thing she is doing by donating.

Kimberly said... 21

Nope, I don't decorate for V-day, but if I made such cute things as that I sure would!

Lauranie said... 22

Well..yeah!! I decorate for ALL holidays!! :D And it is hard for V-day because we also have Mardi Gras around that my decorations are split!! :D I just finished my new HEART tree!! FUN FUN! LOVE your new creation! That cupid is sooooo sweet!!

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