Today my little girl turned 3. She woke up and told me she was no longer a baby...she was a big girl.
3yr old Lily:
-Loves to play with "little things", Strawberry Shortcake, Littlest Petshops, "Little My Pony" (what you call My Little Pony's) & Princesses.
-Watching Max & Ruby, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Martha Speaks, Caillou & your Little My Pony video.
-Playing dress-up.
-Goes to bed at 7pm and wakes up @6am.
-Loves her big brother Ian, mommy & daddy.
-Wants to go to dance class...ballet specifically. You like to show us your "moves".
-Loves anything sweet.
-Is 61st percentile for height and 50th percentile for weight. Smack dab in the middle.
We went to Red Robin for her special dinner tonight. Lily was sooo good through dinner. We waited until after dinner to do presents.
Since the holiday season started, she has told us she wants everything that she sees in commercials. The #1 thing on her list was the Strawberry Shortcake Cafe. (we had intended on giving it to her on Christmas from Santa, but I forgot to take it out of the trunk and Ian & Lily saw it a few weeks ago...oops.)
13 Sweet Comments:
Happy Birthday little one! She is just the cutest litte girl...and I love those bows! Hugs, ;)
Happy Birthday to her. She is adorable! And it sounds like she would get along well with Aiyana. They love the same things, have the same sleep schedule and we even went to dinner at Red Robin tonight...too funny. We let Aiyana choose where we would go out to eat at. We felt bad that she was at the doctors again...allergies!
aww what a cutie! Happy Birthday Lily!!
Happy Birthday Lily!!
Aw, I love the bows in her hair! I hope she had a wonderful birthday!!
Happy Birthday sweet girl!
She sounds like a very sweet 3 year old! I just love her pretty hair bows!
My girl started dance at 3 and just loved it!
Red Robin is one of my kids favorites too!
Happy Birthday, Miss Lily! She is such a beauty! I love that little outfit you have on her! (The cords with the sweater...the dress is cute, but you know...LOL!)
Happy Birthday Lily!!
Hope you had a magical day!
Happy Birthday, Lily!!!! I can't believe she's 3. Where did the baby go?
Well OF COURSE pretty little girls need pretty things in their hair!! She is a beautiful Snow White!! Hope she had tons of fun on her birthday!! It is SO MUCH fun watching kids open presents!! xo
Just adore the look on her face as she's opening the box! Gorgeous!!!
Happy Birthday Lily!! Wish her all the best for all of her days
Happy birthday Lily! I Hope You had a beautiful and Magical day!!!!!!1
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