My daughter decided the other day she wanted her own gnome. She pushed me over to my dining room table (where my clay is out) and said
"please mommy, now". So who am I to disappoint my little sassy girl? She is too sweet to say no to. I was really pleased with how my little gnome turned out. I love how the hat looks like an upside down flower.

She measures 3 inches tall. I am thinking of making them as ornaments and personalizing them. I can add names to their bellies. What do you think? Any color combo suggestions?

I also was contacted by my friend,
Amy's mom to create some custom Christmas Ornaments. Here is what I made... On another note

Don't forget to enter my giveaway, here.Have a great Thursday!!
20 Sweet Comments:
so cute!
just like your daughter!
OH, that gnome is PERFECT! I am so totally in love with her! I love the ornaments, too! Particularly the transformers ones! LOL! Too cute!
Awwwww, mommy can I have my own gnome too???
Love the gnome! You should definitely add her to your shop. The hat is just perfect!
That is completely precious! And I just have to show the Transformer ornament to my son. He'll think that's the coolest!
Hey, do you use a light box to shoot your photos? You get such great even lighting...
Oh Melanie... maybe she is the sweetest of all so far now. The pink is absolutely adorable, she needs a blue big brother gnome :)
Ornaments are a great idea! Can you do glitter on white or can one incorporate glitter at all? Oh.... a white glitter Christmas tree setting would be so pretty! Glitter!
I'm not big on gnomes, but that has got to be one of the cutest one's I've ever seen:)
I LOVE the picture you have on the sidebar of your daughter...precious!
Thanks so much for stopping by!!
Ugh...I am signed in my other computer so it doesn't come up who I am, but I am from
That is adorable! I can never resist when my daughter asks me to sew something.... She has me wrapped around her little finger!
So cute! I can't say No to my little one when it cpmes to her loving what I am doing =0) I know what you mean!!
YES - You absolutely should list the little gnome!! VERY cute!!!
Aww, these gnomes are so cute. I was thinking how yellow and purple would be together :)
I love gnomes and pink is my favourite colour...
It's very cute!!!! I want it! =)
That sounds like my daughter. They're lucky they're so cute, right? :)
I suggest doing a gnome in pink/light green and light green/purple.
Very cute gnome!
These creations are are really talented...I love your blog - it's so inspiring
Laura dropping in from SITS
What an adorable gnome!
That little gnome is so perfect! Yes, yes, YES...make them for your shop, they will fly out the door!
Love your ornaments too! Hugs, Paulette :o)
How cute is that!!! Love it :D
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