It doesn't seem possible that 8 years ago today I gave birth to my son. I remember it like it was yesterday. I worked a full day. I came home and felt strange and called my OB. She sent me to the hospital. I was having contractions the whole ride to the hospital. When I got out of the car my water broke in the hospital parking lot (I was so glad my husband had his golf towel in the trunk). You see this would be all normal, if this would have been happening 5 weeks into the future. My son decided he needed to be here 5 weeks early. I got to the parking lot around 5pm and @8:3pm my son was born. He weighed 6lb 8oz! I could only imagine how large he would have been if I would have gone those 5 extra weeks. Actually I don't want to ever imagine that. My son knew he needed to be here...there were 2, yes 2,
true KNOTS in the umbilical cord. We were very lucky that night 8 years ago. My OB told us to go buy a lottery ticket. My son was in the NICU for 10 days, but that is another story for another day...a take me back tuesday type of day.

Happy BIRTHDAY sweetie!!
XOXO, mommy

10 Sweet Comments:
Happy Birthday to your son!
This is so sweet. My bday is tomorrow and my mom and I were on the phone yesterday and she said "I can't believe I gave birth to you 38 years ago..." And I am so lucky. Your son is lucky too!
Hi Melanie!
Time flies! My second was 5 weeks early also. He's 22 now, and that went quick! Happy birthday to your beautiful son...enjoy the day!
Paulette :o)
Happy Birthday to your little man! Hope you have a wonderful family day! What a blessing and a sweet, sweet story!
I loved reading this! Our little miracle guy was 5 weeks early too (and thankfully a bit smaller). And ours was almost an "Ian" too!
Such a great tribute to a sweet miracle!
Happy Birthday!
Oh how sweet. Happy birthday to your little one. How in the world is a KNOT formed in an umbilical cord? I mean, I'm a total birth junkie, and yet I'm still surprised when I hear about a knot forming. Just amazing. And yet how wonderful that he knew it was time to come. At roughly 1/2 a pound per week, he would have been my babies sizes at term. :)
Happy Birthday to your son! Wishing him a great day filled with all the things he loves.
That is an amazing story.
Happy Birthday to Ian! He looks like a sweetie pie of a boy! What a treasure! You are indeed blessed!
Thank you for entering my giveaway! Good luck to you!
Happy big #8 to him!
What a sweetie! Happy Birthday, Ian :)
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