Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Princess Dress

YAY!!  My mom finished the dresses for Lily.  I could not tell you how excited I was when my mom showed them to me.  Yep, I was doing the happy dance. 

So this is 1 of 2 dresses she made for Lily for our trip we are taking this summer. 

I found this princess fabric with the elastic shirring at the top at Walmart (it was $9.97/yard).  They had lots of different Disney shirred prints and this one with the princesses is the one Lily picked out and I picked out the ribbon my mom used for the straps.
My mom LOVES to crochet.  She added some pretty crocheted detailed to the bottom band and the straps.  It is sooo pretty!!
My mom asked Lily who her favorite princess of the 3 that were on the bottom of the dress and Lily chose Aurora.  She added her to the front of the dress. 
Lily is super excited about her new sundress.
Stay tuned for Dress 2.

THANK YOU MOM for making these for Lily!  I truly appreciate all of the time you took making these beautiful works of art!  LOVE YOU LOTS!

Linking to these parties, here.
Get Your Craft On Tuesday Magical Mouse Schoolhouse
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11 Sweet Comments:

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 1

Super cute dress!

Anonymous said... 2

love it!

Anonymous said... 3

Love! I want one for Hayley ..lol...bk

Unknown said... 4

Aww, so cute. Look at her face, she must feel like a princess everyone she wears it ;) To bad moms couldn't prance around in princess dresses :)

Wendy Irene said... 5

It is beautiful! Your Mom did such good job on it. I love L's smile :)

Liz Mays said... 6

That came out so cute! And I can see in Lily's smile that she's super pleased with it!

Nila & Tim said... 7

How cute! I love all the detail she put into it

Adrienne said... 8

This is so lovely! She looks like such a happy and proud little princess in her new dress!!! YAY mom!

Julie said... 9

Really Cute!

Sew Can Do said... 10

I made one of these with this fabric too. It's my 2yr olds favorite dress - no matter what the weather. Perfect for your trip. Thanks for linking to Craftastic Monday @ Sew Can Do!

Unknown said... 11

Such a cute dress! My daughter wishes I could sew. LOL

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