Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Wordful Wednesday - Dress Up

Over the last few weeks this is what Lily has been doing with all of her hair accessories.  She has been making her stuffed animals look fabulous.
When I asked to take photos of her masterpiece she was super happy.
This unicorn she won at the fair and the wings she bought herself at the fair.
Can't leave out "sherbet guide" and "U-nie" (her mini unicorn pillow pet).  Yes, she named them all by herself.  :)

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus  Parenting by Dummies, & The InfoMouse
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13 Sweet Comments:

Anonymous said... 1

LOL too cute. She did a great job. Future fashionista!

Unknown said... 2

Such a girly girl! Wish we had a little ounce of that around here too!

Deb @ Focused on the Magic said... 3

Love it! She has great style sense already! I miss having girlie times!

Thanks for linking up with us today,
Debs@ The Disney Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop

Anonymous said... 4

Awww. So adorable!!

Liz Mays said... 5

She definitely prettied them up to their full potential!

Wendy Irene said... 6

That is so adorable! It must be so fun watching her do that. Have a great day!

I am Harriet said... 7

I love the shoes!

Have a great Wednesday!

Anonymous said... 8

My little princess has the exact same gown. Very cute photo shoot!

Manda said... 9

Oh my gosh! Cuteness overload! She's adorable! I love what she's done with her animals! :D lol!

Unknown said... 10

She is too cute! And a girl after my own heart ... I as just like that! ;)

Finding Charm said... 11

Hey Lily - you can doll up my next unicorn any day!

Anonymous said... 12

Oh my, she's so cute with that unicorn, tee hee!

Jamie :)

lucy lu said... 13

aww she's sooooo cute! >.<

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