To prepare for the trip, I made TONS of fried chicken & the potato dish (delicious fat filled potato goodness...I need to do a blog post on that easy family recipe someday...YUM) on Thursday. I thought I had made way too much chicken, but every piece was eaten and they LOVED it. I also premade taco meat and froze it so we could just reheat it over the fire for tacos in a bag.
I started packing the car Thursday night and I was concerned that everything would not fit. My trunk is large, but we had a lot of stuff to pack in it. My husband likes to call me the packing queen. By the time I was done filling the trunk and backseat, every nook and cranny of the trunk was filled in (should have took a was funny) and the kids had just enough room to sit. And before people think the kids were unsafe in the backseat, they had all the sleeping bags (5 of them total....4 reg & 1 queen) and all 4 pillows back there. They loved the fact they had somewhere to rest their head during the trip.
We followed our friends down. The drive down was beautiful.
Ok, so to keep it real.
Tent camping is interesting to say the least. Ian slept on a twin air mattress, Jeff & I were on a queen air mattress and Lily slept on a pool float (don't judge, it which worked out perfectly for a 3yr old). The first night sleep was awful. I slept TERRIBLE and so did my husband. I could not get my brain to turn off. It was cool, but sticky and 1/2 the time you were hot. I was MISERABLE. The crickets drove me NUTS. Between the cricket noise and my skin feeling itchy due to the stickiness, I wanted to crawl out of my own skin. When I finally fell asleep my kids woke up. The kids seemed to take turns waking up. Thankfully the next 2 nights were much better and I relaxed some....bourbon & diet coke helped, too. ;)
Day 2 we went to Corning. More on that tomorrow.
5 Sweet Comments:
LOL! We want to go camping soon. I think we'll start with putting the tent up in the backyard and trying that!
I agree with you, the tent thing is interesting! Glad you had a great time!! :)
Sorry not a camping person. I hate bugs. Those pics of the kids are adorable. Your little girl is such a cutie pie! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Hope you get a minute to stop by Monday for my new meme, "Monday's Music Moves Me", and play along with us. Have a great weekend.
We've been talking about camping all week. I want to take the two dachshunds with us but worry about the barking. The labs would love to go too but I dont know how we'd get any sleep with four dogs in a tent with us. So back to the planning stages..
I guess the sound of crickets can be annoying - they sound like home to me - it's very loud here in OK at night. Hoping you guys had a great time. Love that idea about cooking and freezing taco meat - I will have to remember that when we brave camping again!
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