This weeks question is:
Have you ever been camping?
I went camping as a child when I was in girl scouts. That was FOREVER ago. OK, not forever...but sure seems like it. We are going camping this weekend. I am not sure where we are going to shove everything we need for the extended weather forecast. There is a 40% chance of showers and it's only supposed to be 65 degrees for a high one of the days. Brrrr! I guess it could be worse.
On a brighter note, I have made enough fried chicken to feed an army and my camera lens is all fixed and waiting in my camera bag to take lots of photos. =)
Wish me luck, I am going to need it.
And because the weather they are predicting makes me think of fall, here is a new bow center I made the other day. (she is only about an inch tall and I made them for All Tied Up Bows.) =D
Have a great weekend!
11 Sweet Comments:
I love camping! :)
Really nice bow center and good luck with the camping weekend!
have a great time camping....I gave up tent camping years ago. Now I only hotel camp :o)
Yes...I have been camping, but not in awhile. And it has never been my idea. That's because MY idea of camping involves staying at a Holiday Inn. Just say'n. I LOVE your bow center! She is adorable!
nope.. do not want to either...
lol, i want a shower and a bed! ha ha
We used to camp all the time growing up, and us kids continued that trend after we became adults. Getting my hubby to camp hasn't happened yet - I'm still working on him! ;) Enjoy your weekend - hopefully you won't get rained out!
Aloha: Staying Cool
I LOVE your new creation and fall! I have been camping as a child and once about 7 years ago. I have never had a love of camping but now that my children are reaching an age where they are interested I think I might have to embrace it sooner rather than later. ;-) Have a great day!
Awwwwwwwwwwww. That is so cute Melanie! You are beyond talented :). I have never had any desire to camp. I went away to a camp once in the Pocono mountains and we slept in tents. I did not know what on earth the thrill to that was : ) and I have never wanted to do it again.
Always so nice to visit over here.
We have camped quite a bit as a family and it is always good for making some great memories.
I think maybe once, but I don't think it counts because we had a camper so we slept in there. Otherwise, nope. Have a great holiday weekend.
I didn't go camping before in my life. I wouldn't mind going.
I love the cute little ghost.
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