Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wordless Wednesday - The Donut

Last Thursday Lily & I went to Wegmans after Ian's honor roll breakfast. Lily asked me to buy her a donut. She carefully picked out her special treat. When she finished lunch she asked if she could have her special donut. She took a couple bites and acted like she was done. I left the donut on the dining room table in-case she wanted more. All of a sudden I looked up and Lily was at the table again eating her donut...

Is there anymore left?....


She was so proud of herself.

I am off to a mom's panel at Fisher Price Headquarters this morning.  (Our family loves toy testing & I love attending mom's panels!)  Have a wonderful Wednesday!!

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, WW & 7 Clown Circus

My Signature

17 Sweet Comments:

Kimberly said... 1

She's every bit as sweet as that delicious doughnut she's enjoying! :)

Anonymous said... 2

I love Wegmans. Their bakery is amazing. She is enjoying that donut:) Looks yummy!

Unknown said... 3

So Cute!!

I am Harriet said... 4

Looks yummy-licious!

Alyssa S. said... 5

Oh my goodness, my tooth aches just looking at that :) What an extra special treat!

Anonymous said... 6


Have fun I went to a Little Tikes group beofre, to bad they dont do it anymore! I loved checking out the toys and getting $100 to spend on little tikes toys!

Liz Mays said... 7

She looks happier than happy!

I hope you have fun today!!

Jingle said... 8

Oh, my goodness! Her joy is so evident in these photos! She is such a beauty!!! So cute!

Run DMT said... 9

Mmmmmmm....Donuts. Did she even give you a small bite?

Thanks for stopping by for WW! :-)

Angela @ Nine More Months said... 10

She is so cute! I'm glad my children aren't the only ones who eat the middle with their fingers!

My WW Post

Claremont First Ward said... 11

Looks like she enjoyed every bite!

Together We Save said... 12

Oh my... so very cute!!

Cascia Talbert said... 13

That must have been a delicious doughnut! Cute shots!

Olivia said... 14

Cute and yummy! Happy WW!

kimmykats said... 15

How precious! What a sweet moment. I want one too(and a hot cup of coffee) Thanks for stopping by!

Unknown said... 16

The joy on her face is just priceless!

Blessings Abound said... 17

It's just so much funner to play with a pretty donut! She's a cutie pie! :)

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