This weeks question is:
Have you gone to any of your class reunions? Or will you go?
I went with my husband to his 10yr reunion and I went to my 10yr reunion for the high school I graduated from. The only thing is I only attended the high school I graduated from for 1 senior year. It's a long story. The school I went to from 3rd grade until my senior year is having a reunion this summer and I am on the fence about going. The reunion is for the classes of '88-'02. While I think it would be fun to see some of the people I am just not sure about going.
Photo from my husband's 10yr reunion...
28 Sweet Comments:
No I haven't. I would maybe go to my college one over my high school one if I did go to one.
Nah...I figure that's why we have Facebook now :)
Have a great Friday!
I wouldn't be too interested in life hasn't turned out like I thought it would, so probably not something I would do.
In 2 more years I will go to my 10 year reunion - and so far I have been to my 5 year. I enjoy going and catching up with everyone since our class was so small, 50 people :)
Have a happy Friday!
No I haven't. I would love to go, but I went to school in Europe so it's little tricky.
I just recently reconnected with my old school friends so I am hoping to make it to the next one.
My class was not organized enough for our 10th. This year is our 15th and some people are trying to do something. I have to admit, I am not too interested. Of course, the one weekend they are talking is the same as BlogHer and I'll be there.
Nope I've never been to one of mine LOL Have a great weekend :)
My 10 year reunion is coming up next month. I still have not decided if I want to go.
No I haven't. I wasn't interested in going to my Ten year because it was overpriced and unorganized.
I did not go to my 10 year reunion because I was pregnant and about to bust. They had the reunion at a nightclub and was pretty cheezy, but I do plan to go to the next one. With Facebook, it should be a lot easier to plan.
No, I haven't. Maybe some day.
Have a wonderful weekend.
PS: Thanks for comment on my blog today, I appreciate.
No, I haven't been to one. They never planned a 5 year one and we'll see about a 10 year. I would probably not go though. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Have a great Friday!
No I haven't.
We went to my 10-year reunion, but missed my husband's reunion because they kept changing the date and his hometown is almost 6 hours away. I had a blast and I'd definitely attend another one!
So why the fence sitting? Will she go? Or won't she? :)
I've not gone to any of my reunions. (Assuming there have been any.) I was such a different person in school, and I haven't kept in touch with anyone. I think I'm outside the norm on that though.
My ten year reunion should be next summer...I really hope to go!!!! :)
No reunions as of yet. But that is mainly b/c my class is totally lame and we have been out of school 20 years and they managed a whooping 1 reunion so far and it was after 8 years :) I think I remember people saying only 40 or so attended. Lame.
That is a great shot of you guys!
My ten year was the week I had my daughter, so no i did not go :O)
I've never gone to one...probably never will. :) We shall see though! My hubby was no reunions for him! :)
I haven't gone and don't really intend too.
was going to go to my 10 year reunion 2 years ago... but it was a bit to pricey for a picnic! LOL
I went to my 5-year reunion. While there was a handful of people who chatted with everyone, everyone else was still clique-y. I said I'd wait for my 10-year. Didn't go to that either!
I found your blog through FF. What great pictures. I always wished for a family reunion to attend. sigh...small family here
Melanie! I hate reunions. Sometimes I go if my friends FORCE me but I never want to that is for sure! : ) Hope you have a blessed Sunday!
I've never gone and never will. I just don't have any interest in going.
My 30th HS reunion is coming up! And I haven't been to any yet, due to the many moves with military assignments my hubby had, we were not able to get to any yet. or with work schedules, etc... I would love to go. Recently got on facebook and had contact with old friends after all these years!
Blessings & Aloha!
(thank you for stopping by and sweet comment!)
Your creations are wonderful...especially cute is your St. Patty's day froggy :o)
Hey girl...sorry I've been so ABSENT lately..LOTS going on around here...OH THE DRAMA!! :D OK to answer your question.. I did not go to my 10 year reunion because really WHAT can you accomplish in 10 years that you want to "share"?? Most ppl...LOTS, me...NADA! I was active duty for 4, came back and started college and was going out quite a bit, but so was MOST of my class at the time so I didn't see a need for a reunion!! :D HA! Now my 20 yr is this year, and I am planning on going to that because I look FABULOUS after 3 kids (HA!) and I live "away" from my hometown so I really don't get to see anyone anymore!!
Everything you've been making is soooo cute!! So glad you are finally seeing some Spring!! It was in the 40s here this weekend...wha? The sun came out today, so hopefully it will start warming up again...SOON!! Have a good week!
Oh..BTW, that photoshop video...HILARIOUS!! ;)
We don't have class reunions in my country.
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