I have been meaning to pick and announce the winner all day, but I got distracted.
My husband was home today and my son has the week off from school. So I decided today would be a great day to get my haircut. I really needed to get it cut. Should have NOT gone today. The girl that cut my hair HACKED it. I have never ever been this upset after a haircut and I came home and balled my eyes out. I actually asked her a couple times not to cut it so short. I have been to this salon for years, but have never had this girl cut my hair before. I should have went with my gut when she asked me to slouch down so she could cut the top of my hair...I am only 5'4" and have never been asked to do that, ever. Anyway, I expressed my displeasure (more than once) and she asked me if I wanted to talk to her manager...I replied "What is she going to do, she can not give me my hair back and in order to 'fix' it she would have to cut the sides shorter." I know the girl felt bad...but my hair is way shorter than it should be. Ian looked at me when I walked in the door and said, "mom, your hair doesn't look like it should...." Um, yeah. I know it's only hair...it will grow back. My hair grows pretty fast so it will not take that long. I just have to get used to it. This haircut is not what I wanted at all. (BTW...I have been taking the same "haircut" photo with me for years, my hair should look like the photo of me on the right, which was the day of my last haircut.) The back is way too short...as in not there.
Without further ado....
The winner of my OWOH giveaway {Gerber Daisy Necklace} is ForgetfulOne.
Also, I have a goody to pass on,
Art Snark and and Kimm Smith are giving away this Over the Rainbow memory wire bracelet!
Click here to read more and participate in the giveaway. (ends: 2-25)

My husband was home today and my son has the week off from school. So I decided today would be a great day to get my haircut. I really needed to get it cut. Should have NOT gone today. The girl that cut my hair HACKED it. I have never ever been this upset after a haircut and I came home and balled my eyes out. I actually asked her a couple times not to cut it so short. I have been to this salon for years, but have never had this girl cut my hair before. I should have went with my gut when she asked me to slouch down so she could cut the top of my hair...I am only 5'4" and have never been asked to do that, ever. Anyway, I expressed my displeasure (more than once) and she asked me if I wanted to talk to her manager...I replied "What is she going to do, she can not give me my hair back and in order to 'fix' it she would have to cut the sides shorter." I know the girl felt bad...but my hair is way shorter than it should be. Ian looked at me when I walked in the door and said, "mom, your hair doesn't look like it should...." Um, yeah. I know it's only hair...it will grow back. My hair grows pretty fast so it will not take that long. I just have to get used to it. This haircut is not what I wanted at all. (BTW...I have been taking the same "haircut" photo with me for years, my hair should look like the photo of me on the right, which was the day of my last haircut.) The back is way too short...as in not there.
Without further ado....
The winner of my OWOH giveaway {Gerber Daisy Necklace} is ForgetfulOne.
Also, I have a goody to pass on,
Art Snark and and Kimm Smith are giving away this Over the Rainbow memory wire bracelet!
Click here to read more and participate in the giveaway. (ends: 2-25)

13 Sweet Comments:
I'm so sorry about your haircut. I'd be mad too. Especially when you told her to stop. Geez. I'm glad your hair grows fast.
I'm so sad for you and you hair issue!
I hear this story so many times (being a hairstylist for 20 years!) I double and triple check what length my client wants before starting and if you want my advise (and I know you didn't ask for it) when you have a double stand up and do not let them continue, a more experienced stylist will be able to accommodate you :) and next time speak to the manager and you will not be charged for it. I'd like to offer you more tips to deal with it until it grows out. email me if you'd like some simple suggestions :)
Melanie - your hair looks cute! Really. At least the top is the same. I have a similar story. Although my hair nightmare is technically my fault as after I found a style I liked in one of the hairstyle magazines, she pointed to another one and said she liked that one better, and I said "yeah, but I don't like those long sides, I really wanted to get rid of those and go around my ear an have the layers on top shorter". Hmmm, she apparently only heard the "yeah" part of my response. Now I look like Kate Gosselin! Way short in the back with these weird points down the front of my face -- URGH!!! And not to mention my color -- I said dark, but not red tones. Guess what? Everyone says to me - oh, you decided to try being a redhead! Double URGH!!
It's only been a few days, so I'm hoping the shock wears off soon....
I know it doesn't help when you've gotten a cut you didn't want...but it looks really cute! I've thrown caution to the wind more than once and let stylists who I've never used before cut my hair...and have gotten some awful cuts. Still, like you said, it grows back. When I find a stylist I love, I hold on for dear life. I've started to ask salons if they have people who are very experienced with cutting curly hair before I try someone new. The girl who does my hair now has curly hair of her own and does a fantastic job. I pray that she doesn't go anywhere anytime soon!
So sorry to hear about your haircut...it does look cute -- But I know if you don't like it - it doesn't matter!!
There is nothing more distressing than a bad haircut. (And I'm not saying that *I* think your hair looks bad, but it's what you think that matters.) Yes, it will grow back, but that takes time. So frustrating!
I am so sorry what happen to you is so wrong. My hugs go to you. I am wishing for fast growing..
I'm so sorry this happened. (I don't think your hair looks bad, though!) I went to my hairdresser on Friday and had four inches chopped off - but only because I wanted to try something new, and she questioned me several times to be sure it was what I wanted. (Though, my girl also told me it would be cute on me.) I trusted her, and it worked out.
I definitely think you should talk to a manager and let the manager know what happened. You told the girl not to cut it too short. If you had a photo with you, then this girl should have known that was the look you were going for. The manager won't be able to give you your hair back, but can talk to this hairdresser and make sure someone else doesn't end up in the same position as you were in.
I'm sorry about your haircut. I mean this when I say that it honestly doesn't look bad. Yeah, it looks a little better on the other pictures, but still, it's not "horrible". Plus it's only hair. It will grow.
Maybe you can play it up a bit and try out different things (clips, scrunch it...)?
The least they could have done is given you credit for a free haircut or something to make up for it.
It will be fine. You'll see. You'll learn to like it. Just give it some time. :-)
You look beautiful, with any hair!!!!! I think I am jumping on this bandwagon....I am over doing my hair in the morning!!!
I'm so sorry you got a haircut you are not happy with - I've been there, in tears too. But you really are pretty enough to carry off that do until it grows back! I have something that will make you feel a little better - you won first place in my OWOH giveaway - check your email!! Come by my blog and pick out your bead - Peace, Love or Health!
:-) Pam
Oh my sweet friend. I am so sorry. I know how awful that is. I think we all have had at least one of "those" haircuts which is why I always tell the hairdresser 1 inch longer than I really want it cut - and even to the man who has been doing my hair for 18 years!!! LOL Come to think of it - Maybe I am just bad at telling them what I want?
You honestly look beautiful regardless and I am not blowing smoke up your tush.
I don't get chance to comment onanyone's blogs nearly as much as I'd like to but I checked out your post here and I think your hair looks lovely! I know it's not what you wanted, but it does look very nice :)
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