Sunday, July 12, 2009

Sunday Citar

"Study nature, love nature, stay close to nature. It will never fail you."
Frank Lloyd Wright

I took these photos the other day at the Buffalo Zoo. My son is enamored with pine cones and little acorns. I thought the quote was appropriate because just down the road from the zoo is the Darwin Martin House Complex designed by Frank Lloyd Wright for one of his closest friends Darwin Martin.

Welcome to Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

10 Sweet Comments:

2Shaye ♪♫ said... 1

Really cool shot! And I've never heard that quote, either! But if God is nature, I'd have to agree. :)

Have a super Sunday!


Pretty Things said... 2

I love acorns. We have a small collection that Zack and I picked up on one of our walks, sitting in one of my many bookcases that house WAY more than books! I love random eclectic collections.

Allie said... 3

Incredible quote and photos, Melanie! Your posts make me smile! :)

septembermom said... 4

Awesome photo! I love watching my kids as they study something they find out in the yard. They become like junior explorers and scientists. There is nothing like nature as a classroom for everyone.

Pesky Cat Designs said... 5

Wonderful photos. It's great that your son is fascinated by nature.
I love Frank Lloyd Wright's work. Great quote. All my creative work is inspired by nature and I feel at peace when I am close to nature. :)

kisatrtle said... 6

Those are wonderful photos. I like the quote too. Very fitting.

Muthering Heights said... 7

I like the photos that you used!

♥ Boomer ♥ said... 8

Very nice! I'm late commenting and linking because I had some computer troubles. But I do love Sunday Citar!!! Have a great week! ♥

Walker Family said... 9

This is so true... I encourage my children to explore the world around us. I remember the time my son brought a worm in the house and scared my MIL to death... She looked at me shocked when I didn't react the same way. My response how cool budy make sure to put him in your pumpkin patch so he helps them to grow big and strong.

Tabitha Blue said... 10

This is a great post with some really cool pics! That quote goes along perfectly. I just love how kids love to study nature, an example to us all!


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