Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

(my husband was laughing so hard when I showed him this one...had to share)

22 Sweet Comments:

Terry said... 1

How cute, you are so clever!

Marianna said... 2

LMAO that is hilarious!

Kristi said... 3

THanks for the laugh today...too funny.

Rob said... 4

Is that what i think it is? LOL! Check out my WW post at

Amy said... 5

OMG! Too funny!!

TexasRed said... 6

Hilarious! Is it wrong to ask why the chicks aren't dancing?

Felicia said... 7

That is pretty hilarious!

HDMac said... 8


Jenn said... 9

ROFL! Awesome!! Its a peep show! LOL

I'm sending this to my husband.

Sara Elizabeth said... 10

Oh Em Gee! That is HILARIOUS. I must show my hubs this when he gets home. Too funny.

Happy WW from the Mostly Wordless Wednesday HQ :o)

Unknown said... 11

I love the pasties on that one bunny! LOL

Jamie said... 12

IMO, this is the only thing peeps are good for.

Cheryl @ a pretty cool life. said... 13

Too funny!

Anonymous said... 14

That is just ridiculous!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 15

LOL!!! That is so creative! Never would have come up with that. At least they went to good use, cause they aren't worth eating! =)

Staci A said... 16

Wow! Someone had a little too much free time! Too funny!

tuki said... 17

I love your blog! Thankyou!!

Dawn Parsons Smith said... 18

It really is hilarious! The dude peeps are creepy!

Anonymous said... 19

That is the single greatest picture I've seen all week!

Anonymous said... 20

that is too cute! I love peeps~!!

Vanessa @ See Vanessa Craft said... 21

Hehe Peep Show!

Liz said... 22

OMg, too funny!

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