Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Joaquin Phoenix

I am not sure if you have seen this yet. What happened to Joaquin Phoenix?
How bizarre. I know he quit acting, but OMG!

This is him 3 years ago on Letterman....

11 Sweet Comments:

Kathi said... 1

OMG! what the????? I didnt know weather to laugh or send him some coffee.When did he go all weird? LOL

Amariah said... 2

I think that what he did on Letterman recently was an act for three reasons:
1. You could tell that he was trying to keep himself from laughing. Whenever he wanted to laugh he would look down.
2. He put his gum under Dave's desk but as the show was cutting to commercial he removed it.
3. When the segment ended he stood up, removed his glasses, and shook Dave's hand.

Abby said... 3

Yeah, he is out there now!

Jenn said... 4

my first thought when I saw him was that he looks like my ex husband now, lol! And...he kind of acts like him now too....hmmm

Unknown said... 5

Oh boo. I've always liked him. Looks like he is pretty doped up on drugs. I'm so glad I'm not a celebrity. I'm sure I couldn't handle it either.

Patrice said... 6

That was crzsy! LOL

Beki - TheRustedChain said... 7

Completely bizarre!!

(by the way, your package is on the way. for real! haha!)

amylouwhosews said... 8

I watched this - is it for real? I thought maybe it was part of an act, but then it got seriously awkward and uncomfortable. Oh boy.

PussDaddy said... 9

I was looking for this clip. That was bizaare.


Angie Seaman said... 10

This was bizarre! Such a shame. He has always been one of my favorite actors. I hope he comes back to earth someday soon. :) The 2nd video you posted from three years ago was such a confirmation that something was waaayyyy off!

Blessings, Angie Seaman

Laurence said... 11

Watching this was physically painful for me... He's too beautiful. I read somewhere that it's some sort of hoax which I'm really hoping is true. He's too beautiful for it to be real <|3


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