This is my favorite time of year. I LOVE making Christmas Ornaments and presents for people. Thanks to all of you out there who have bought from me. I have a hit a fabulous milestone on etsy. I have 101 items sold....I have made & sold many more ornaments than that, but I have had 101 etsy sales. All I can say is
WOW...I had only hit 50 sales at the middle of November! I have been really blessed and hope everyone loves their ornaments for many years to come. Here are just a few more of my custom creations I have made for Customers....
A pregnant woman...

A family ornament with 2 adults, 3 cats and 2 dogs. Funny story goes along with this one. She received her ornament and loved it, went to work the next day and her dog ATE half the ornament. I have made her another and the second ornament was my 100th sale.

One customer asked me to commemorate the fact her son learned how to read this year.

For Melanie from
Sweet Pickles Pottery I made a sock monkey bracelet.

Another customer told me they call her youngest peanut, so she wanted a little girl holding a peanut.

One customer loved my snowman & babies, but wanted them in different colors.

I just strung this yesterday for a good friends Sister. She is going to give it to a 16 year old girl who LOVES Hello Kitty. I think I am going to have to make one of these for my niece. =D
I did make a friend for Sherbert. This snowman didn't make it into my shop, but it will next fall.
I have lots of ideas for Valentines Day & Spring. Hoping for some sneak peaks in the beginning of January.
4 Sweet Comments:
Oh thank you! You are very sweet... the houses are in the paper mache box area. The SKU # 329568 And they were on clearance for $.99. I just called every store in my area and asked them to see if they had them and then put the 2 I found on hold. But when I got there they had put them back on the shelf! I was very lucky they were still there. Thank you so much for checking for me! Happy holidays! oh and I love the kitty bracelet! How cute!
Oh I love the pregnant lady!!!
I can't wait to see what you have in mind for Valentines day!!
It all looks wonderful, thanks for sharing!
Very cute stuff...I'm loving the ornaments you just made :-) Thanks again...CONGRATS on your milestone!
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