It's finally here! Lollishops is now open. There have been a few glitches and they are in the process of ironing them all out. I was able to set up my shop yesterday. I currently do not have much listed there...trying to figure out a couple of things first. Everyone still hasn't been able to set up their shops yet. I was one of the lucky ones that received their set up e-mail and didn't have any problems.

I did come up with a name for my newest snowman. Please meet Sherbert. I have listed him here on etsy. You can get Sherbert as an ornament or figurine. My Sherbert is watching me while I do dishes.
I also found myself in two treasuries this morning. Thank you so much Boy Girl Boy Girl Designs & Little Bug Jewelry for including my creations! Click here to be taken to this treasury.

Click here to be taken to this treasury.

5 Sweet Comments:
Oh Yay for you and Lollishops...going to check it out!
Sherbert - Perfect name!!!
Yay for your lollishop too!! I'm still waiting to set up mine.
So happy to see that you are open for business at Lollishops! I will also be selling there. Would love to know how you are capturing the screen shots. I tried Thumbalizr and also tried Print screen doesn't neither is working for me. Wishing you much success on Lollishops!
That snowman is to die for!
It's so cool that you're in Treasuries. You deserve it. But how do you find out that you're in them? Is there some kind of search that you can do?
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