Tuesday, November 25, 2008

New Creations

I am still busy creating custom ornaments for customers. I also have been creating some new items for my shop. I have lots more ideas to make, too.

This is my new Poinsettias Ornament. I made a pendant similar to this, too.

I created this Let it Snow Ornament for my FAM ornament swap and it is now in listed in my shop.

Here are two custom ornaments I created.

Lollishops is opening on Friday!! I can't believe that it's almost here. A bit nervous about setting up a new shop, but I know I am in fabulous company! Here is one of my ornaments I will be listing there.

4 Sweet Comments:

KellyKim said... 1

Aww! Soooooooooooooo cute! love it! Love it!
Stopping by to say Hi :)


SeahorseLady said... 2

You are very talented. Great work!

Mama Keith said... 3

Love all your creations! You are doing such a great job.
Have a Blessed Thanksgiving!

www.AForestFrolic.typepad.com said... 4

Oh, I LOVE those birds...are they going in Lollishops or Etsy? You are soooo creative!

Still working on the brownie troop learder about the custom order...Do you have a deadline to have them by Christmas? I know you are a busy lady.

Happy Thanksgiving :-)

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