Monday, November 17, 2008

Cupcake d'lights

I did it again. I found another amazing blog called Cupcake d'lights. Cupcake D'lights is situated in Durban South Africa. She does the most amazing things with cupcakes and fondant!! I am really impressed and can't get enough of her fabulous pictures of her yummy looking creations. So here are just a few of her creations. My daughter is obsessed with Cinderella at the moment. These are fantastic!

She also does cakes. What girl would not love this? I know I want one and I am 35. =D

While showing her blog to my husband, he LOVED these.

How gorgeous, right? Go on over to her blog and check out more.

11 Sweet Comments:

Jonie said... 1

OMG man South Africa is a far off place to have a cake shipped from but man those look worth the trip, LOL

Amariah said... 2

Those are so gorgeous! I'm sure they taste really good too :-)

Anonymous said... 3

Too bad I'm already married...'cause if I wasn't...I'd HAVE to HAVE those cupcakes at the reception!

Anonymous said... 4

those cupcakes are seriously gorgeous!

New England Quilter said... 5

Looks like cupcake heaven!

Sandra Evertson said... 6

Wow! Those are amazing! I can hardly believe they are to eat!
Sandra Evertson

jeanne @ Inspiring Ideas said... 7

These are incredible!! Too gorgeous to eat!

judybrittle said... 8

They are so beautiful!!! Almost too pretty to eat. But not quite!

Anonymous said... 9

I can't believe how incredibly detailed and gorgeous these are. You're amazing.

How to Make 100 Paper Flowers said... 10

these are soo gorgeous!

Anonymous said... 11

They are all so gorgeous - I don't think I would be able to eat them!

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