Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Take Me Back Tuesday

May 30, 2005
While working at a hotel I received a free pass to Fort Niagara. On Memorial Day my family and 2 co-workers (one of which is my friend whom got married over the weekend) went to Fort Niagara. Then after we went to what I like to call the rocky beach and had a picnic. The beach is located in the State Park where Fort Niagara is. I liked to take Ian there because he could throw rocks without getting in trouble.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Sunday Citar
A man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest. ~Irish Proverb
I took these photos at the wedding yesterday. I have many more to share, but I am off to go take the kids to my parents for the week. Must go pack. =D
Welcome to Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Berry Fun!

I just have to husband rocks! Last night he went into the basement and grabbed our monitor from our PC and brought it upstairs and plugged my laptop into it. YAY, I can get to my photos (yes, I need to buy an external hard drive). So while I wait for the box to mail my laptop to hp, I can use it. YAY!!! Doing a little happy dance!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Update and Giveaways...
Here are a couple of great giveaways I found this week...
Mommy and Beyond is giving away two sets of notecards from agoodsigndesign. (ends 7/26)
Bit of Whimsy Designs is having Christmas in July giveaways on her blog. (all ending 7/24)

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday
I took this photo when we went to the zoo a few weeks ago.
Happy Wordless Wednesday!
I entered this photo of my daughter in a contest. Please go on over here and vote for me, Whimsical Creations. Thanks a bunch!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Take Me Back Tuesday

(just a warning, I try and keep my blog light and airy...but I also feel the need to share the story behind these photos and how they make me feel.)
First off they never gave me, my family or my son's pediatrician a straight answer on why he was in the NICU or how long we could expect him to be there. Typically a Dr. from the pediatrician's office you choose comes into the hospital in the morning after you give birth. Well, mine never came because he was never called...yes I gave them all the info and they lied and told me they called him when they did not. A nurse (who also takes her children to his office) called his office after I inquired about it. When the pediatrician came to see me, he asked me what was wrong with Ian because there was nothing in his chart and after looking at him he could not find anything wrong.

In the past 8 years my son has meet all of his milestones and has never had any sign of being a preemie. We have joked since then that "I just cook them faster than other people." My daughter was 3 weeks and 1 day early and weighed 7lb 4oz.
If you are still reading, thank you for stopping by this installment of Take Me Back Tuesday. I promise next week will be lighter. =P
I entered this photo in a contest. Please go on over here and vote for me, Whimsical Creations. Thanks a bunch!
You can participate and/or check out other Take Me Back Tuesday posts at A Giveaway Addicted Mommy.

Monday, July 20, 2009
MckLinky's Weekly Blog Hop - wk4
This week the theme is Favorite Recipe or Dish. I have a couple I would like to share...
Baked Potato Soup
I originally shared this here.
- 4 large baking potatoes
- 6 c milk
- 4 green onions (sliced)
- 2/3 c flour
- 2 c cheddar cheese, shredded
- 2/3 c butter
- 12 or so slices bacon, cooked & crumbled
- salt & pepper to taste
Bake potatoes and cool. Peel off skins and dice. Melt butter in heavy saucepan. Add about 2 cups milk to saucepan. Combine half of the flour and 1 cup of milk in shaker. Shake and slowly add to pan. Do the same to the rest of the flour and milk, until all combined. Cook over medium heat until thickened. Make sure to keep stirring so it doesn't stick to the bottom of the pan. Add potatoes, onions, cheese, bacon, salt & pepper; cook until thoroughly heated.
Somewhere in the original recipe there was sour cream. The person who gave this to me doesn't like sour cream so she deleted it. It's tasty without it, but feel free to add it if you like.
When I made this for my vegetarian mother I deleted the bacon and then just added it to each individual bowl after dished up. You can also do that with the green onion. This recipe is also very good with ham instead of bacon or add broccoli instead of any meat.
Chicken Wing Dip
I originally shared this here.
4c chopped chicken
12 oz red hot sauce (we love Franks here in Buffalo, it's sooooo yummy)
2- 8oz cream cheese
1c ranch dressing
1c chopped celery
1c monterey jack cheese (put on top...I personally have been mixing it with the rest of the ingredients so there is yummy cheese throughout)
mix all ingredients and bake 30 min on 350.
I usually make a 1/2 batch for small gatherings. Beware, I made a 1/2 a patch and brought it to a cookout a few years ago (thinking that there would be lots of dips because it was bring a dish to pass thing) and it was gone in 15min.
**I usually serve this with tortilla chips.**
Thanks for hopping by! I love comments, I would love for you to leave a comment so I can check out your blog, too.
I entered this photo in a contest. Please go on over here and vote for me, Whimsical Creations.

Not My Child! Monday

I interrupt the regularly scheduled weekly Not Me! Monday post briefly to bring you Not My Child! Monday...
My daughter would not make a sand cake and then decide to try it. Ummmm...nope! She did not later that night tell me that "sand cakes are NOT yummy!"
My son did not look like a
My son did not tell everyone in our neighborhood that it was his birthday. He did not come into the house to show me the card the neighbor a few houses down gave him with $5.00 in it. Nope my kid would not do that!
While raspberry & cherry picking on Sunday my son did not sit in raspberries and end up with red stains on his shorts. He also did not ask me to pit his cherry for him. Ahem. I am not a mommy bird sweetie, you are 8 spit the pit out.
My daughter did not "collect" raspberries and cherries in her bucket...she does not like to "collect" things lately. She did not refuse to eat them.
Thanks for stopping by. I adore comments and would love for you to leave a comment so I can check out your blog, too.
This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what her children and everyone else's children have not been doing this week.

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Sunday Citar
On Thursday I took Lily to the wading pool and she had a great time. She was even more excited when we went over to get Ian and bring him back to the wading pool. He is her hero.
"A brother is a friend given by Nature." Jean Baptiste Legouve
Welcome to Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Ian!
Happy BIRTHDAY sweetie!!
XOXO, mommy