Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Take Me Back Tuesday

A Giveaway Addicted Mommy

May 30, 2005

While working at a hotel I received a free pass to Fort Niagara. On Memorial Day my family and 2 co-workers (one of which is my friend whom got married over the weekend) went to Fort Niagara. Then after we went to what I like to call the rocky beach and had a picnic. The beach is located in the State Park where Fort Niagara is. I liked to take Ian there because he could throw rocks without getting in trouble.

You can participate and/or check out other Take Me Back Tuesday posts at A Giveaway Addicted Mommy.

6 Sweet Comments:

Pesky Cat Designs said... 1

Such sweet photos! Have a great Tuesday. :)

Anonymous said... 2

Wonderful photos. Have a great day!

Unknown said... 3

What a great set of pictures!! I love the lady bug one, but the kissing mommy one is just the cutest!!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said... 4

My favorite is you and Ian kissing... something about a mom and her son.

Looks like a lot of fun!

Eve said... 5

Those are fantastic! - What a fun time!

Sarah said... 6

LOVE LOVE LOVE the ladybug in the hand picture!

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