So yesterday I went with my friend and her kiddos to the
great pumpkin farm. Both of our families have already gone during a pay weekend, but we wanted to go back. You see it was a gorgeous 60 degree day here and perfect to picture taking. Who am I kidding, any day is perfect for picture taking. =)
Do you know how hard it is to get 6 kids to look one way? LOL

This little one melts my heart...he started walking last week. YAY!

Look at those fingers.

I remember when her fingers looked like that.
This little man makes my heart melt, too. He came home from school yesterday and announced he has a girlfriend. He cracks me up. A couple weeks ago he asked me why only goofy girls "like" him. My response was you get what you act goofy, you get goofy.
Yes, I sad that. He has been trying to "get a girlfriend" since the beginning of school. He is already girl crazy and is only 8. I am in trouble.
Lily LOVES this gal. She was following her around the whole time.

So notice the flower pants on Lily below? She has orange ones on above. Anywho, while we were walking around the farm Lily stood their looking funny and declared...I PEED!
Just g.r.e.a.t! Quick trip back to the car...
After taking photos we all went to Pizza Hut and met our husbands for dinner. On the way to the restaurant Lily told me she peed in her diaper (I put one on after she had an accident, thankfully). When we got to the restaurant Lily decided she did not want her diaper on because it is now dirty...she proceeded to stand on the chair and take her clothes off. NICE! Oh yeah, that was us in the corner of the restaurant...LOUD. We were THAT family!
Update on the potty training (sorry if this is TMI): That was the first accident we have ever had out. She is trained during the day. She wears a diaper for nap & bedtime. On the pooping front, we are taking Miralax and it seems to be working. We have backed her off to quickly and then we went back to not pooping, so she is still taking it.
So how is your Thursday?