Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Take Me Back Tuesday & Flashback Friday

July 1971
In honor of mother's day last Sunday I thought I would share this photo.  This is my mom (age 17..almost 18...her birthday is in August) and her mom.  I want to say this was taken on my parent's 1st wedding anniversary.

I also want to thank everyone who donated and entered my 2nd Annual Tuesday Blog Party.  The winner is Jayme.

Day With TwoTake Me Back Tuesday posts at A Day With Two.

Way Back When-esday posts at Twinfatuation.
Friday Photo FlashbackFriday Photo Flashback posts at More Than Words.
Friday ButtonFlashback Friday posts at Christopher And Tia's blog.

My Signature

9 Sweet Comments:

Alyssa S. said... 1

What a sweet picture :) Everyone looks so young, but then again, your mom was! I hope you had a great Mother's Day!!

Unknown said... 2

Oh it is a very sweet picture! The do look young, and so beautiful too!

Liz Mays said... 3

They look the same age just about! Pretty girls!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 4

A wonderful picture! Your mom married very young!

Muthering Heights said... 5

That's such a cute photo of them! I love you mom's long hair!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said... 6

Another very sweet picture. :)

Thanks for coming and commenting on my blog. I appreciated it!


aspiritofsimplicity said... 7

funny! Teenagers still get the same look on their faces when they have to take a picture with their mums.

Unknown said... 8

Omigosh that hand holding and hair combo is FANTASTIC! What an image to treasure...a perfect Way Back When-esday...thanks so much for playing along!

Annette Piper said... 9

What a great pic - love how they're holding hands and sitting so close - having a girlie chat!?

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