Sunday, May 9, 2010

My Mother.

Who fed me from her gentle breast
And hushed me in her arms to rest,
And on my cheek sweet kisses prest?
My Mother.
~Ann Taylor
November 1973
(my mom & I when I was 2weeks old)

Hope everyone has a Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for stopping by Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.

My Signature

14 Sweet Comments:

Liz Mays said... 1

You loved your mommy already. You just stared at her. So sweet!!!

Happy Mother's Day!

Beedeebabee said... 2

What a sweet picture, Melanie. Have a beautiful Mother's Day! xo Paulette ;)

Unknown said... 3

Oh what a precious picture to have!
Happy Mother's Day to you too!!

Stacy Uncorked said... 4

Awwww! That is so sweet! Love the picture!

Happy Mother's Day! :)

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 5

That is a precious picture!

Happy Mother's Day!

Crystal Rae said... 6

That is precious.Great quote.

Annette Piper said... 7

What a wonderful photo - isn't it amazing to look at pics like this and see our moms as essentially a very young woman. Makes me look at our moms in a new light.

Muthering Heights said... 8

What a PRECIOUS photo!!! I love that you have all these wonderful photos to share! :)

debi9kids said... 9

OMGoodness! This is so sweet. Hope both of you had a wonderful Mother's Day!

ps Please let me know when you choose the winner for the blog party & thank you SO much for being a part of it again this year :)

Braley Mama said... 10

Happy Mother's Day!!!! What a sweet pic!!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said... 11

What an incredibly sweet and beautiful picture. It literally makes me tear up!

Love your blog.


Big Mama Cass said... 12

You mom looks like a baby when she had you! What an amazing photo to have!

My Wee View said... 13

What a beautiful photo! Your mother looks so amazed by you :)

Happy WW


~ Noelle said... 14

what a very very beautiful photo~
hope you had a great mothers day!

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