This is for you!
Hugs, melanie
Dear Tantalus Restaurant Bar & Cafe,
I will never set foot in your restaurant. NEVER EVER, period! You can read about the reason here.
Bad customer service rubs me the wrong way.
Sincerely, A customer lost
Dear Neighbor's,
Sorry that your son's tooth was knocked out. It was an accident. You see your son and mine were playing tug of war, Ian's hand slipped off the jump-rope and the handle flew back and hit your son in the face. My son never 'hit' your son with the jump-rope. The welts up and down his arms were from him hitting himself. You would have known if Ian hit him that hard with the jump-rope...your windows were open.
Sincerely, Your neighbor.
Dear self,
It is going to be one long summer.
Try and stay sane and not drink too
Dear Ian,
I am not mad about the jump-rope incident. I am disappointed in your bad judgment. The jump-rope is now in the trash. I know it was an accident.
hugs, your mommy
Dear Dad,
How did you like Wordful Wednesday this week?
Mwah, melanie
Dear Jeff,
Thank you for starting Weight Watchers with me. Yes, 2 light beers are the same points as 1 yogurt. I like how you look at things.
Looking forward to the thinner you and me, mel
Dear Ian,
What gave you the idea that hooking yourself with a caribeaner clip to the shopping cart last week? *sigh* You did this after I asked you to stop playing with the garbage can lid. Seriously, if you think it is a good probably isn't.
Annoyed, mommy
Dear Target,
I am not pleased you changed your flushable toddler wipes. The new ones SUCK! I was never a fan of the kandoo ones and the fact you changed yours to be like those did not make me happy.
Sincerely, Unhappy Customer
Dear Blog Readers,
Thank you for all of your wonderful comments and for stopping by. You make my heart swell. I especially would like to thank Lynn! She suggested I enter the bird photo from this post into the Erie County Fair this year. I think I am going to take her advice.
Thank you & hugs, melanie

If you would like to see more Dear So & So's and/or participate check out 3 Bedroom Bungalow.