Monday, February 21, 2011

Plate of Fun

Over the past week I have been one busy beaver. 
What have you been up to?  =)

14 Sweet Comments:

Wendy Irene said... 1

Oh my goodness look at all that great work! I love seeing it all together like that. You are such a hard worker Melanie and doing an awesome job :) Have a wonderful night!

Anonymous said... 2

Look at all that! You've been very busy. Nothing much here, digging out from Sunday's snow storm

Unknown said... 3

Love the mermaids! I've been working on a new crochet blog.

Rosa Forino said... 4

wow!!! quante meraviglie... ciao

Cascia Talbert said... 5

It looks like you have been busy! I've been playing catch up with both of my blogs and working on some SEO stuff for my online store, along with all of my motherly responsibilities.

Unknown said... 6

oh my stars! yes you have! (i am loving that cat in the hat.)

Lauranie said... 7

WOW!!! Just WOW!!!!

Unknown said... 8

Ahhhmazing again! I will always be in awe of this talent! Love the peeps too stinkin' cute!


Pretty Things said... 9

Holy. Smokes.

Maria said... 10

Wow, I am impressed!!! So cute, too!

Annette Piper said... 11

Wowsers! That's HUGE! I've been busy, but definitely not that productive!!

~ Noelle said... 12

i see lots of familiar faces!
love the mixture of all the colors!

Lisa at Paint in my Hair said... 13

wow, that's a lot!

I stopped by to say Hello from a fellow Buffalo blogger...when I accepted Sawdust and Paperscraps' linkedin request, your name popped up - it's always nice to "meet" a neighbor! (I am in Amherst)


Andrea said... 14

SOOO cute! I love it! Great job and fun stuff!

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