Summer 1993
In the summer of 1993 my friend (girl below on right) had a house party. I went to high school with the people in the picture. This photo was 2 years after graduation. I have reconnected with the 2 girls on facebook.

You can participate and/or check out other Take Me Back Tuesday posts at A Giveaway Addicted Mommy.
You can participate and/or check out other Flashback Friday posts at Christopher And Tia's blog.

14 Sweet Comments:
Wow, that is one tan guy!!! And look at you Miss Smiley. Bee-you-tee-ful! :)
hhmm... I can vaguely remember being young and carefree... and what a paradox it is, being young and carefree.
It's the one time in your life when you're sure to feel repressed and unable to make your own choices. As if youth were holding you back from truly being carefree!
I miss being young. Cool photos!
How fun! It's nice that you were able to find the two girls on FB. Very cool!
You have a smile that just makes you want to smile right back! I will say that I am so thankful that I wasn't the only one to carry the big hair of the 80's (I am referring to your friend w/ the bangs) into the 90's!!
Have a great holiday! So thankful for having "met" you this year!
What great memories, it looks like you guys all had a ton of fun!
I love Facebook just for the fact that you can hook up with those people you haven't talked to in forever if you want to!!
You were so pretty and your smile was gorgeous!!!
I love going back and looking at my old pics! Btw, you still have the same generous smile!
Oh what fun to dig out old pictures and reminisce! Love it, love the clothes, the hair...oh to be back in the 90's tee hee.
Jamie :)
What a fun blast from the past!
When you have worked out the answer to your question, check out some places to live after your parents throw you out after allowing their house to be trashed, your mums clothes ruined, loads of electrical gear looted..... - you get the picture.
haha, I've got to tell you that I'm absolutely floored that the one guy in your picture is wearing a Skid Row tee shirt!
Your friend has got some killer bangs! Love it!
Aw what a fun flashback!
I love the outfits especially, hehe.
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