It is
Aloha Friday! In Hawaii, Aloha Friday is the day that people take it easy and look forward to the weekend.

Therefore, I’ll ask a simple question for you to answer. Nothing that requires a lengthy response. If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your comment below and link in
Kailani’s blog. Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends!
This weeks question is:
Do you send candy in your children's school lunches as a dessert (especially now that we all have too much Halloween candy.) Or growing up did your parents send you with candy as dessert once in a while? Does your school have a no candy policy in lunches brought from home?
Ok, so I have a fire under my butt this week.
I received this letter from the school Monday..."Dear Potters Road Families,
This year, Potters Road Elementary has joined the other elementary schools in West Seneca and neighboring districts that have made the decision to eliminate lunch visitations.
In addition, in an effort to promote healthy food choices,
candy, and
restaurant food (i.e.
McDonalds) cannot be brought into the school cafeteria. This policy is consistent throughout the district. I encourage you to contact me with any questions.
Holly Quinn
This has gotten out of hand. On Monday, my son came home upset because I sent him to school with part of a chocolate bar (he bought in school) for dessert in his bag lunch.
Seriously? My 8yr old is worried he is going to be expelled for bringing candy into school.
Seriously? I can no longer send in a tootsie roll as a special dessert in his lunch? Or leftover pizza?
WTH? BUT the schools can serve my kid chicken nuggets, pizza, cake, ice cream and fruit cups stored in heavy syrup?
Seriously...? When did I stop being the parent and loose my right to choose what my 8yr old is fed? While I understand that as a society we should be healthier, but seriously? Who hasn't sent Halloween/Christmas candy in their child's lunch as a dessert or as a child had their parents send it? Instead of
policing what
I send in my son's lunch, why don't you take a look at your own lunch menu?...

Where did the input come from for this decision? When did candy become evil? When my husband talked to the principle, she told him that it is unacceptable to send in that "tootsie roll" in our son's lunch and when asked why they are selling ice cream & chicken nuggets in the cafeteria, she stated that she has no say in the lunch menu and that we as parents have the right not to purchase the ice cream or school lunch.
NICE! It's great to hear I have some rights. At the beginning of the year we sold candy for the school's PTG and I picked it up on Tuesday in the cafeteria...loving the irony. I talked to the vice-superintendent on Wednesday and have been assured they are not going to police the lunch rooms for candy.
BTW...this is the second ridiculous letter from the principle. The first one told all the parents that we are not allowed to pick up our children between 2:30-3:00pm (school ends at 3pm) without a dr's excuse. I bit my tongue then, but she just keeps getting more ridiculous. What's next?
If you are still reading, thank you for listening to me rant. It just rubs me the wrong way when people are trying to take my rights away as a parent.
***edited to add***
We are not huge candy people, I will send a couple small pieces in my son's school lunch if we have it (ie. Halloween candy) as a dessert.