When it was their turn to perform, I was soooo nervous for Ian.
These kids are a great bunch. They even have a mini "tuba" meeting after each warm-up. :D
They did an amazing job yesterday performing.
LOVE it!!
Just awesome!
After all of the bands played from both Large School Divisions. It was score time. All of the bands take the field.
As a parent, it was nerve wracking when the announcer was calling out the scores and schools for each place. With each one called we got closer and closer to 1st. So when they called 2nd place.....we knew we were the only ones left! I have a sore throat this morning from hooting and hollering so much and many happy tears were shed.
West Seneca Marching Band came in 1st place in their division yesterday at the Carrier Dome!!!
We met up with the band at a rest area on the way home. :)
The 4 tubas (sousaphones). The 2 on the left are seniors this year and the one behind Ian is a Junior.
Ian is sooooo happy and on cloud 9. What a way to start off 6 years of high school Marching Band! I am so proud of all that he as put into this & how much he absolutely LOVES it. Can't wait to do it again next year!