Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wordful Wednesday

It's sad, I was looking through my photos and I just realized that have not taken any new regular photos of my family since Halloween.  This time of year it seems all I do is take photos of my clay creations. I really need to fix that.

So I started to look back through my archives and stumbled upon these.  The day before we left on or trip to Disney we went to visit my grandparents. We do not get to see them that often.  While they are from this area, they live close to my parents now.

I absolutely LOVE that last one! 

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia, The InfoMouse , Focused on the Magic & Fresh Mommy.

My Signature

10 Sweet Comments:

Liz Mays said... 1

I love that last one too! That will be treasured forever. :)

Twisted Cinderella said... 2

Such sweet pics!! that last one is great!

My post is up for today and I have decorated my blog for the holidays, I would love to know what you think!

Unknown said... 3

That last one is adorable!!

Adrienne said... 4

Very sweet - and, yes, that last one is absolutely precious!!

Petula said... 5

Those pictures are gorgeous and, you're right, the last one is particularly adorable. It's made even more so by your grandmother's expression. :-) We live so far away from my mother that my children middle child doesn't remember meeting her. My youngest has never met her. My oldest hasn't seen her in nine years, two middle - five years... Sigh. Yes, take the pictures whenever you get the chance.

Kimberly said... 6

The last picture is priceless.
I haven't taken that many pictures either since Halloween. Thanks for reminding me to pull that old gal out.

Pride In Photos Beauty said... 7

The last one needs to be framed!! The look on her face is awesome.

Claremont First Ward said... 8

I LOVE these photos. EVERYONE looks so HAPPY.

Unknown said... 9

Darling pictures! Your grandmother is beautiful! Sweet, sweet images for sure ... love that little Lily's face. :)

~ Noelle said... 10

those are so sweet captures.. that last is for sure a keeper :)

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