Tuesday, September 4, 2012

First Day of School 2012

Today is the day. 

As I write this both of my kids are now in school.

I wish I would have gotten a photo of them together...but I didn't.  :(

I only got a few photos of Ian.  He really didn't want me to take photos...he thinks he is too old.  I say too bad.  ;)
Ian was picked up first.  He is still in the same Elementary building (ours goes K-6), he has been in since the first day of Kindergarten.  Long story short, they redistricted our street when Ian was in Kindergarten and we chose to keep him where he was, because he would have only been in school with Lily for 1 year.
Typically the bus is late the first week, but not today.  And in a blur, he was on the bus...
 (I was taking pictures of flowers when the bus came and he flew by me....I missed that moment...)

Then we had to wait until it was Lily's turn.  Her bus time is 35min after Ian's.
Lily picked out her outfit.  She was sooo cute.  I bought this set for our next Disney trip (yes, I am already collecting) and she asked to wear it. 
Her bus was late.  We waited for a while...
So she decided to twirl.  She LOVES this skirt because it twirls really well!

The bus was really late and she has no patience, so she went back up on the porch and pouted.
Finally the bus came.  She has to cross the street to get on.  Jeff & I walked he over.  
The bus driver seemed really nice and told her to turn around and smile so mom could take a photo.  ;)
I only cried for a little bit after the bus drove away. 

Both of my babies are in school now.  *sniff* 

Ok, now I am doing the happy dance.  WOOT WOOT!! :D
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5 Sweet Comments:

Liz Mays said... 1

She just looked so little out there waiting. Where did the time go?

Adrienne said... 2

Cuteness all around! Hope they have a great year!! {and I kinda like the blurry hop onto the bus pic...very poetic image as time passes us by and they grow so quickly!}

Unknown said... 3

I adore this post. I LOVE those first day of school photos too - my kids all knew to expect it! And even though you "missed" Ian running to get on the bus, that picture you did capture is awesome! Love Lily's cuteness too, and her twirling! :)

Anonymous said... 4

Gavyn wasn't having the picture thing this year:( I snapped a few but he looked miserable. Her outfit is absolutely adorable. No tears were shed here, but I must admit, when I arrived back home, a few were falling.

Tabitha Blue said... 5

Oh sooooo sweet. What a morning! Those "letting go" kind of days are never easy for me. Hope you're doing well!



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