Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Wordful Wednesday - Inspiration

Tonight I was inspired to create a bead to match Lily's new Rapunzel Dress my mom made. 
Before Lily went to bed she helped pick out colors and gave me a bit of direction...she told me she wanted a crystal on her.  :D
Hope when she wakes up she loves her as much as I do.  :D

Edited to add: You can see Rapunzel finished here.

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,, The InfoMouse & Fresh Mommy.

Also, linking to these parties, here.
Get Your Craft On Tuesday Magical Mouse Schoolhouse 
My Signature

21 Sweet Comments:

Unknown said...


momto8 said...

how fun!!

Celebrate Woman said...

Love what you make, Melanie!
Can you share how you make all these dolls and what materials you're using?

Unknown said...

So pretty!

Anonymous said...

they look tiny, or is that just the perception

spring haiku and tanka

debi10kids said...

Oh I LOVE that! So so cute! How could she not love it?

kewkew said...

That is just adorable. Would love for you to stop by and share

Unknown said...

How could she not love her as much as you do?! That is incredible! I'm in love!!! (Libby might need something along those lines too!) ;)

SimplyBillie said...

That is gorgeous!! You are so talented!

Stacy Uncorked said...

That is absolutely perfect! Simply gorgeous! :)

The Cockatiel Project

Casey said...

Wow, what an amazing job!

yeewittlethings said...

Oh wow! That's beautiful!! So talented :) Thanks for linking up!


Becca said...

Wow, you are good! I love making clay things, but there's no way I could do as good as you! Very cute. :)

Ms POSH said...

That is so cool!

Have a great WW!

Unknown said...

Love it!

Colorado Mountain Mom said...

The details!! My goodness, you are so talented. LOVE Rapunzel... she's my fav :)

Deb @ Focused on the Magic said...

Beautiful creation! How could Lily not love it?!
Thanks for linking up to the hop today! Wordless Wednesday @ Focused on the Magic.com

Beth Doda ~ disneymom2jhe said...

That is adorable!

:DISTherapy said...

Such talent! I love seeing your creations each week :D

Manda said...

Oh my goodness this is gorgeous!! :D x

mc said...

very cool creations

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