Wednesday, December 28, 2011


While I was working on my "project" this holiday, I came across these 2 photos.
They make me happy & melt my heart.
These were taken on our vacation at the Ohana character breakfast in the Polynesian.  We did lots of character meals on our trip and this was my FAVORITE!  The funny thing is when I booked this meal (for the day we left), I did it because I didn't know if we would see stitch and wanted to guarantee my son his wish.  He is Ian's FAVORITE and was one of the only characters he wanted to see.  Ian saw him many times during our trip and this was by far my favorite "Stitch". 

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, Seven Clown Circus  Parenting by Dummies, Project Alicia,, The InfoMouse & Fresh Mommy.

My Signature

18 Sweet Comments:

Adrienne said...

So sweet ~ I feel so blessed to have been able to do stuff like this with and for my kids. They really do carry these memories with them! Such a treasure!

Kristi Maloney said...

Those pics. are priceless! Make sure you have them ready when they have their own kids! Thanks for stopping by to comment and Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Awww. Soooo cute.

Paula said...

Adorable! Found you through 5 Mins for Mom. Your photo title drew me in :)


Unknown said...

Too precious! They make me smile too! ;)

Anonymous said...

I love the looks on their faces! Wonderful photos!

WDW Strollers said...

Oh WOW! Those are the best!

Erika Price said...

Lovely photos!

Tina´s PicStory said...

sweet :)

Colorado Mountain Mom said...

Those are fantastic pictures! We haven't done the O'Hana Character breakfast yet ... I can see that we need to!

You have a gorgeous blog. I joined via GFC, while I was stopping by! :)

Have a good day!

Amy@DisneyLiving said...

Beautiful pics! First time visitor to your blog, and I'll be back. ;)

Unknown said...

Those pictures are so cute. Stitch is one of my favorite characters to meet in the park. I love his personality. :)

Melissa @ knit purl baby said...

Love it! I can't wait to take my little guy to Disneyland!

:DISTherapy said...

Aren't your children just adorable! Kidos seem to be drawn to Stitch...

Unknown said...

Those are adorable. Especially the second one.

Anonymous said...

Great warm & happy shots. Perfect!

Deb @ Focused on the Magic said...

Aw, how sweet! You captured both magical moments so beautifully!!

Liz Mays said...

Awwww, I just love how much love Stitch gave them. Look at the smiles!

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