Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wordful Wednesday - Jack

"Its not the destination so much as the journey." - Captain Jack Sparrow

I know it is no where near Christmas, but I have had many requests....

I have started to add ornaments to my shop.
Thank you for stopping by Sunday Citar! This blog quote meme was created by Fresh Mommy. You can stop by her blog to see the quotes and photos that she and everyone else is loving right now.


Thank you for stopping by my entry for this weeks letter.  This blog meme was created by Heidi.  You can stop by her blog to see more entries for the letter of the week.

My Signature

11 Sweet Comments:

Jingle said... 1

This is one of my favorites yet! Absolutely fantastic!

Anonymous said... 2

Awesome! These are wonderful.

Liz Mays said... 3

Those are really cute, and it's great that your season has begun!

The Social Frog said... 4

How cute! Love it.

Run DMT said... 5

Oh I totally LOVE that! We love pirates in these parts! Did you know that September 19th is Talk Like a Pirate Day?

You know, you and I should hook up in February for a giveaway around that time in honor of Tampa's Gasparilla (pirate) festival. Just a thought! ;-)

Unknown said... 6

I am a big fan of Jack Sparrow too! (Was Johnny Depp the absolute PERFECT choice, or what???) These are darling ... but I am not quite ready to say or think about the "C" word yet. YIKES! ;)

Anonymous said... 7

Awesome job! This is adorable.

Deb @ Focused on the Magic said... 8

Wow, you are very talented!!! They are so nice!! Thanks for sharing your talent with us and for linking up today to the WW Blog Hop:)

:DISTherapy said... 9

Your ornaments are adorable. I love your blog- and am now a follower :DM

Manda said... 10

WOW! They're SO cute! :D

~ Noelle said... 11

great job!!!
love P.o.C...
although i have never seen all of them from start to finish

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