Have you ever spilled anything on your keyboard? Yeah, I know we all should be more careful. No drinks near electronics. I know, I know...but crap happens.
Well, about a month ago I spilled my full glass on Diet Coke on the side of my laptop. Yes, it got on my keys and at first I thought everything was fine. My laptop worked ok or so I thought. Later that night I had 'sticky keys'. My control key was stuck. Soooooo frustrating. I popped off the keys and cleaned them with alcohol and the next morning it seemed all was well. I seriously thought I was going to have to purchase a new laptop.
Fast forward a few weeks. We went on vacation and I took my laptop with me. While downloading my photos one afternoon while on vacation my laptop started acting strange. I tried typing and it certain keys would not work. Sigh. Once I got home, I quickly realized that the control key was stuck again. Cleaning it was not working. Half the time the keyboard worked properly and the other half the control key was stuck. You know how frustrating it is typing when all of a sudden new windows pop open along with other things? I really thought my laptop was a goner.
Then I searched keyboard and my laptop info on
you-tube and it turns out replacing the keyboard on a Dell Inspiron 1545 is EASY!! I ordered my keyboard off of ebay for $14.00 shipped and once it arrived it took me less than 10min to replace. I was very proud of myself. YAY!
And YES, I have learned my lesson. I am now drinking out of this....
Perfect use for my Disney Cup. :)