Please note:
I had MANY back and forth e-mails with the customer service department of Lalaloopsy. Their policy for broken toys is to mail the item back (UPS or FED EX), with the receipt and packaging info. Which, in my opinion, is RIDICULOUS. It would cost me more to mail all that info to them using the most expensive way to send something than to walk into the store and repurchase the item. On top of that, my daughter received this for a gift so we do not have the receipt. I did have the packaging because it doubled as a house and my daughter wanted to keep it. Otherwise I would have thrown it out. Most companies will apologize and mail you a gift certificate to purchase a new one or at least a postage paid sticker to place on the box if they wanted you to return it. I was not happy about their policy for broken items at all, considering it seemed to be an issue with manufacturing because there are MANY people whom are having the same issue with the legs and heads breaking off of these dolls. I was told by a rep that as a "one time courtesy that she would forward my e-mail to a supervisor".
In the end I was pleased & thankful that a supervisor mailed me a new doll and Lily is very happy which makes me happy.
I just feel sorry for the rest of the people who will have to deal with this nightmare of the "broken item/return policy" of this company.

9 Sweet Comments:
That really is a big song and dance to get something exchanged which was defective to begin with! I was a little afraid of that when we discovered the San Francisco Music Box item we bought for Amelia for Christmas came broken. The ballerina in the snowglobe would not twirl, right out of the box. Their website says the same thing about mailing back, but when I called customer service, they said either they'd replace it and let us hang on to the broken one (if it cost too much to ship back) or they'd ship us a new one and e-mail me a postage paid FedEx sticker to mail it back. I ended up getting a label in my e-mail and they got their item their expense...and I got a new one in the mail and I mean fast. I think that's the way it should be!
I think that it is crazy when companies make you jump through hoops to exchange broken items.
I think that it is crazy when companies make you jump through hoops to exchange broken items.
I'm glad they followed through, but it's sad that their policy has to be so difficult.
the same thing happened to our mini pillow her leg broke off the same day we opened it when my daughter tried to sit her down...and also we got our first big lalaloopsys tippy and blossom and both of there dresses had tears right out of the package..i was happy with how fast the email response back from mga was but then i too had to come up with reciepts and mail the items to them which sucked.. im glad it only cost 5 dollars to mail with a tracking number...still waiting to get them back in the mail...but they should have just sent them without me having to send them in the pics i gave them should have been enough =)
I'm SO glad it worked out for you, because that policy really isn't right for lower priced items. It's ridiculous!
Those pictures you took are adorable!
These are the mini dolls? I have never seen them in stores! My girls all got the large dolls for Christmas and they seem pretty solid. They would LOVE mini dolls too! SO cute!
that is ridiculous..
but, the dolls are so cute...
i saw one at a friends house yesterday... adorable!
now, that kind of stuff gets me wanting a girl... NOW
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