Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Wordful Wednesday - Thank You

What I have been making.  These were a custom order from a photographer friend to tie to her packages.

For more WW check out 5 Minutes for Mom, WW & 7 Clown Circus.
I am also linking to these fabulous parties, here.

My Signature

44 Sweet Comments:

Sharon said... 1

love them!

Auntie E said... 2

What a great look. I think the Ido are for weddings.

Anonymous said... 3

These are wonderful. They would make wonderful favors!

jaime said... 4

These are excellent - but I expected nothing less :)

Unknown said... 5

Those are wonderful!! Got the earrings and necklace - they are absolutely beautiful - I put the necklace up for Miss Maddy's Birthday in August - Can't wait to see her reaction!!

Steph said... 6

Beautiful! And such a great idea.

Maria@BubblegumandDuctTape said... 7

they look so pretty and it makes the gift more special.

Cascia Talbert said... 8

They are beautiful!

Wendy Irene said... 9

wonderful idea! Love them!

Colette S said... 10

Simple and beautiful. I love them.

Nikki said... 11

Those are ADORABLE!!!!!! Thank you for linking them to gettin' crafty on hump day! :)

Liz Mays said... 12

Oh, now those are really cool!

Braley Mama said... 13

wow, those are so cute!!!! I gave my niece the cross necklace you made and she loves it!!! She thinks it is very grown up because a real artist made it for her:O) Thank you!

Beedeebabee said... 14

Oh Melanie...What a brilliant idea you have here!!! Make lots, they're so adorable!!! xo Paulette

hiyaluv said... 15

wow! these are gorgeous!
ps-if you get a chance, stop by my blog this week and check out LOTS of GIVEAWAYS!!!

My Wee View said... 16

I always love your WW,, you are so creative Melanie

Thanks for sharing your WW.


Art Chick said... 17

Visiting from Whatever Goes Wednesday. Love your tags. They are so neat!

tehlia said... 18

Oh WOW. They are so beautiful I love the subtly of them and the color. Simple elegant and clean.

Don't you love custom orders

I Made IT!!!

Jami said... 19

These are beautiful. I hope you'll stop by and share them (or another one of your beautiful gifts) at my Pretty Packages Party in August!

BK said... 20

They are truly beautiful! Thank you!

Muthering Heights said... 21

Those are so pretty!

Peach Rainbow said... 22

You never make anything that cannot be called 'cute' :D

Anonymous said... 23

Very cute and creative! I love them! Thanks for sharing at It's Party Time Thursday at PonyTails&FishScales!

Michelle @Flying Giggles said... 24

I love them! Her packages are going to look beautiful!

Kim Van Pelt said... 25

Beautiful, what a great idea. How much do you sell them for?

Ms Bingles Vintage Christmas said... 26

These are so neat!
Thank you for sharing~
Have a good day!

Donene said... 27

These are simply precious, I love them!!

Unknown said... 28

Those are just darling! What a great idea for a package tie!

Helena said... 29

Oh man, these are awesome!

Thank you for participating in the Therapy Session with Life in the Pitts!

Helena said... 30

I features this today!

beth kruse custom creations said... 31

so pretty! great idea!

Anonymous said... 32

Great idea.

Michelle said... 33

They turned out so well! I bet your client is quite pleased.

Self Sagacity said... 34

They look elegant and a clever way to send a message.

Unknown said... 35

Lovely!! :)

Susan @ Oh My! Creative said... 36

I love these!

Michelle @ Sweet Something Design said... 37

Wow! Those are cool! Lots of possibilities!

Fuzzy Slippers said... 38

What a wicked awesome idea! I'm off to see more of your creations. :)

Kristen said... 39

Wow! I love these. So cute.:)

~ Noelle said... 40

so cute..
love it..
you know, you should sell your pics too!

Kat @ Black Kats Design said... 41

Simple and beautiful!

I’m having a new link party “Cheap Thrills Thursday” starting the 29th. It’s for creative ideas that cost under $20. If you have a project you’d like to share, I’d love for you to stop by and join in!

Threeundertwo said... 42

Those are just beautiful! So simple and elegant. Thanks so much for linking up to Finished for Friday, I'm glad to have found your blog!

Jess said... 43

Just wanted to let you know that I featured this post on FTF today! Stop by and pick up a featured button if you would like! Thanks!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said... 44

Melanie, these are cutest! Very nice! Thanks for linking up for Friday Favorites!

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