Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

On Sunday my husband's parents hosted Christmas. They always have Christmas the Sunday before Christmas. After I got the kids dressed in their pretty clothes I decided I should take some photos of them by the tree.

My favorite...

Only a few more days!! My presents are all made and wrapped. I can finally see my dining room table....the first time in a month all my clay is put away.

Don't forget to check out my tutorial & enter my giveaway, here.

My Signature

22 Sweet Comments:

Anonymous said...

Aw...and that one is my favorite also!
Happy Holidays Melanie :)

Unknown said...

What cuties!! I love her hair! ;0)

Amy said...

Oh I love them..

Ms. Latina said...

Ahhhh they are adorable!

Children are the reason why parents work so hard =)

Enjoy the holidays and happy WW!!!

Momstart said...

They are cute!

Carolyn G said...

Great pictures. Your children are beautiful! Happy Holidays

Grampy said...

Wonderful pictures.You have beautiful children. I love the hair do.

Jingle said...

Wonderful pics of the kiddos!

Felicia said...

Those are great! Have a very Merry Christmas!

Raise Them Up said...

Awwwwe! They look adorable! Your daughter's hair looks so nice. I have only boys, but my oldest is letting his hair grow so long, I've threatened to sneak in some pig tails while he's asleep! Lol!

Merry Christmas!

Raise Them Up said...

Awwwwe! They look adorable! Your daughter's hair looks so nice. I have only boys, but my oldest is letting his hair grow so long, I've threatened to sneak in some pig tails while he's asleep! Lol!

Merry Christmas!

Susan Cook said...

They look so cute & adorable. The last one is beautiful. Have a Wonderful Christmas! ♥

The Little Miss said...

oh they are too cute! The tree looks amazing also!!!!!!! You did an amazing job!

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Anonymous said...

What awesome pictures!

Thanks for stopping by!

Kathleen W. said...

What great photos, and very clever use of the braid.

I hope you have a very Merry Christmas Melanie!

Christy Croll (tiddly inks) said...

Awww, nice shot! I hope you guys have a wonderful Christmas. :)

Muthering Heights said...

They look so nice in their Christmas outfits! :)

Unknown said...

Those pictures turned out so great! I hope to get some pictures in the next few days like that, I love the idea of doing it in front of the tree!
Your tree is adorable by the way too!!
Merry Christmas to you and your family Melanie!!!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

I can hardly wait until my boys will stand still for a picture! They look like little angels!

Sara Elizabeth said...

They are both so sweet. These pictures turned out wonderful.

Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

Lauranie said...

Hope your Christmas is as beautiful and FUN as your children!! Thanks for all of the inspiration...happy holidays and be safe!! xo

Pesky Cat Designs said...

What lovely holidays pics! Your children are the sweetest.
Wishing you and your entire family a very Merry Christmas and a joyful New Year!

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