Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

More photos from the graduation party we attended on Saturday.
Happy (Mostly) Wordless Wednesday!!

27 Sweet Comments:

Sara Elizabeth said... 1

Beautiful flower. The children are so cute together. The photo of your little girl with the football is adorable.

Happy WW from Sara @ the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q.!

Jingle said... 2

Those are wonderful photos!

the monkeys' mama said... 3

we were at a graduation party this weekend, too! Tis the Season :)

Beautiful flower pictures, by the way!

Happy WW! Here is my entry if you'd like to see it!

Susan Cook said... 4

Great pictures. Looks like a fun party. The flower is beautiful.

Happy WW!

Leigh said... 5

Great Photos! Happy WW!

Run DMT said... 6

Gorgeous pics! Happy WW!

Cascia Talbert said... 7

Great photos! It looks like your kids had a lot of fun.

cat said... 8

Really beautiful pictures and such pretty kids. (And flowers)

Kim @ What's That Smell? said... 9

How come my pictures never come out that gorgeous????

Moms On The Go said... 10

Your camera has great color, great shots!

taysmommy said... 11

cool piccies! Love the first one with the pigtails a swingin!

Liz Mays said... 12

They look so happy! :)

The flowers are exquisite!

Anonymous said... 13

I love brother-sister bonding photos :P.. Great photo of the flower too..

Anya said... 14

Lovely shots,
BEAUTIFUL flowers :)
Great WW post !!

Kelly said... 15

What a pretty flower. The kids look like they were having a blast!

tiarastantrums said... 16

kids in action shots are great and I love that flower!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 17

Your kids are so cute! Wow, what a gorgeous pic of that flower too!

Felicia said... 18

Looks like everyone had a blast!

Beki - TheRustedChain said... 19

Beautiful!! Love those flowers.

Anonymous said... 20

Those are perfect pictures! What fun!

katherine said... 21

Oh, the kids are adorable. Flowers are beautiful. Nice shots..

Muthering Heights said... 22

It looks like the kids had fun!

BK said... 23

I love that first shot of your children; they were having so much fun there. :)

Drahdrah said... 24

Great pics. Looks like the kids had a great time, and you got a chance to stop and smell (and snap) the flowers !

marissa | Rae Gun Ramblings said... 25

oh my gosh those flowers are absolutely amazing

Kristen said... 26

I love the pics! Too cute with her running qith a football. Looks like az pro. Beautiful flowers...peonies?

Anonymous said... 27

Your kids are beautiful. Happy WW!

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