Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

I received these pictures in an e-mail earlier this week.
This little cutey pie is my 16mth old niece.

12 Sweet Comments:

Anonymous said... 1

aw! Cute! Looks like she is having a great time up there.

Dianne - Bunny Trails said... 2

Too cute! I guess that's one way to contain her. :D

Happy WW!

Unknown said... 3

she fits perfectly!

Abby said... 4

She looks like she is having a great time in there!

TexasRed said... 5

Looks like she's having fun!

Lois said... 6

Hi Melanie.
Now I know why women do dishes.
We're taught from the time we're in daipers that sinks are our friends. LOL!
She is a real cutie.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said... 7

that's a familiar form of fun at our house.

Anonymous said... 8

So cute! Looks like she just fits.

Felicia said... 9

She is absolutely adorable!

Beki - TheRustedChain said... 10

Ha! What a cutie!!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said... 11

Fun in the sink...perfect fit!

Momma J said... 12

So cute and already does the dishes!

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