Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Wordless Wednesday
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
My husband's has a Santa and it says Dear Santa, I want it all.
My son's has a reindeer and it says Feed me reindeer treats.
My daughter's has an angel and it says Angels are with you.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Another Winter Storm
Before I went to bed at around 10pm, this was what my Florida room looked like. I had to shove the door shut and lock it. While doing this my bathrobe stuck to the door because the inside of the door was full of ice. And I got a call at 9:45pm that school was closed on Monday.
Psssst....yep I still went out to 'clean up' the driveway with my shovel.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
I went out to shovel at around 11 am and holey moley lots of snow already! That's when I let the kids, my son and the girl I babysit, out to play. They had a ball....
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thank YOU!!
I did make a friend for Sherbert. This snowman didn't make it into my shop, but it will next fall.
I have lots of ideas for Valentines Day & Spring. Hoping for some sneak peaks in the beginning of January.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Mice With Wings & Other Things

* FREE shipping on ALL orders
* 2 FREE gifts with EVERY order

Thank you Jennifer for the beautiful ornaments!! LOVE THEM!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Help Save Handmade!
I am not a person who usually gets political, but this is an issue that will effect many people, even me. I will have to stop selling my bracelets or make sure that I say they are only for children over 12. I have also been talking about going into business with my mother to sell her embellished clothes for children (remember these). If this goes into effect that will never be able to happen. I do not have the money to have the items tested or the money to pay the fine.
The New CPSIA Regulations - Everyone Please Take Note!
As of February 10, 2009 anything intended for children 12 and under HAS to be tested by a third party for lead. While this may sound good, especially with the issues we have seen with lead found in toys recently, the impact on retail will be huge. This law will effect all people that sell anything for children. This includes e-bay resells, salvation army (yep no more donating children's old clothes), craigslist and people who have small businesses that make things for children.
I found this article over at Happy Panda interesting and helpful regarding this issue. This article over at Cool Mom Picks & this article at Mammalicious Finds also has more helpful information.
Please sign this petition to the Consumer Products Safety Commission.
Thank you!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Happy Birthday Lily!!
This set was a present from me & her daddy. I won this personalized tutu & hat along with a personalized t-shirt from ItsyBitsyBunny. I can not tell you how GORGEOUS this set is! It's absolutely beautiful! Lily's name is embroidered on the pink ribbon on the tutu. She did a fabulous job. I am taking Lily to get her professional pictures taken in this after the first of the year.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008
Present Tutorial

You will need a 3/4 inch square Kemper Tool, tissue blade, pasta machine, red clay and white clay.